Chapter Thirteen- Not A Laughing Matter

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Dick's POV

     Everyone was in a panic. They seem distraught in the worst way possible. I would be too. But I knew what to do with the Joker and this whole mess. I just needed time, but no one has time- for any of this. All of the chaperones and teachers told us to evacuate. I got my wand out, about to leave. Then I realized I nearly forgot something. He sure is something else.

"Birdbrain. We need to get Wally." Artemis said taking my hand, trying to maneuver within the crowd. It's kinda hard running one way while most are going another. While we were looking the Joker had to say something else.

"Hello! Ladies and Gentlemen. I have special, or should say, guests." More of the notable Gotham villains came bursting through the windows of the ballroom and much more coming through the door, blocking some of the student's paths . "Oh, don't be upset. My little Jollies!"

"What are we going to do?" Artemis whispered over. But I couldn't hear from over the chaos.

"What?" Then I understood. "Well, first we need to find Wally. He probably is passed out and is thinking where he is."

"Personally, I think he doesn't need the 'stupid potion' to be stupid." Artemis snarled to me about Wally.

"Oh, you still mad and plus the potion wasn't for him. But you are right he is stupid....most of the time." I looked over and I saw Artemis smirked.

      We found Wally passed out in front of the dance floor, in front of the stage. Thankfully the Joker didn't see him. He probably thought he was already dead. Wally mind's as well be dead.

"Wally please wake up." Artemis started shaking him hoping he would wake up. Then he opened his eyes and sat up.

"Uh. Are you guys my fairy godparents? You guys did promise me I had three wishes when you guys came to see me in the hospital after I chocked on cheese. Or is the three wishes thing genies? Are you guys genies? " Wally made a childish accent and shook his head. Looking surprised at Artemis and me. 

"Yes, we are genies," I said while looking peaceful,  even though the event wasn't. Artemis looked at me mad and confused at the same time. "But you have to do something for us. And that is to come with us before it's too late. Too late meaning: Joker seeing us.

"Okay? But my mommy told me to never trust the women with the Christmas light. It's called Stranger Things. Oh wait, my mommy said to never trust anyone you just meet. Stranger danger. But you guys are my genie's, so I trust you." Wally said talking like a baby. 

     Artemis and I looked at each other with confusion."Okay, so we are going-" I said slowly but steady enough so-stupid-Wally can understand but I got cut off by Artemis. "So we are leaving now and you." Artemis dragged Waly by the arm toward, what I'm guessing is safety. But everyone is still going ballistic.

"I'm guessing she is the aggressive genie?" Wally asked while looking at me.

"You know it, son." I said running behind them.

"I thought you were my genies not my parents. Wait are you, my parents?" Wally asked.

"Um....Nevermind." I finished and we started regrouping with the group. But someone noticed us.

"Oh, my jollies. I think I spot someone....special in the crowd tonight?!" The Joker said mysteriously. Then pointing at Artemis, Wally A spotlight hit us and villains gathering around us, surrounding us. Two-Face and Penguin grabbed our arms dragging us to the stage, to the Joker.

"Thank you my little helper." Joker patted their heads and they left. "Now what will I do to you three?" Joker then pinched each of our cheeks. "Ah, let's start with the elephant in the room, Dick Grayson." He then picked me up by the back to-I'm guessing-show me off. "Why hello people of this-um-ball! As you can see our guest is someone familiar." I try to squirm out of his grip. "Let's see if the Bats and come and get the bait." I looked over to see Wally really confused, (I feel bad for him. At certain times, though. And this is a perfect"certain time") and I see Artemis trying to get out of the other villians' grip.

"Okay, my jollies this part is no laughing matter. So try to keep your serious faces on." Then they all knew that was joke and they all busted into laughter. I look over and the students were in groups with a villian in charge of the group. But the weird is that they are looking at me. I never knew I would ever be this important.

    After the jokes were said it's time for the killing. Joker got out his knife and put it to my throat, and made a cut large enough for blood to start dripping, but small enough it wouldn't kill me \. Every student gasped. But after that, everything was a blur.

"Stupefy!" I heard someone shoot, and I was taken out of the Joker's grip. I fell to the ground; wondering what just happened. 

"Stupefy!" I heard a second time, and Artemis and Wally were out of the henchmen's grip now. Artemis came by grabbed Wally and me by the arm and we ran. I looked over to see who was shooting at the Joker. And it was the potions teacher. Wait a minute it wasn't the potions teacher. IT WAS BRUCE!!! Bruce was the potions teacher. Then the chaperones and teachers were shooting at the villains. Artemis, Wally, and I were so confused but we keep running. We tried to catch up with the hugeous group of students. Spells and bodies were flying everywhere. 

     Once we caught up to the door, more teachers were helping us back to our common rooms. And they were telling us to pack up our belongings and that we were leaving for a while. I looked over at the battleground in the ballroom and saw Bruce, the Batman, using a wand shooting villains in the weirdest way possible. But to be fair. That's our only weapon for a long while.

     Wally shooked his head like he was coming back to his senses. "What's going on?!"

     For the record, I didn't even know.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not writing. But I wasn't feeling well last week. But that's o-tay (I love the  Little Rascals). So let's do the same show and dance I do in every A/N. Thank you so very much for reading, because you could be doing something more awesome. (Like eating chip and watching the Flash. Wait, I don't do that-....XD). But you decided to read my work and I thank you-for the billionth time. And stay tuned for the-um good?-story!!! :~)

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