Chapter Five-Chemistry For Wizards

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Wally's POV

      After all the chaos this morning, I needed a break but I couldn't because our first class was coming up. Chemistry, oops Potions. Once breakfast was done, the professors dismissed us to our class. Dick and I took our precious time to get to class.

"I hear we will be having a combined class with Slytherin." I tell Dick while having a smirk on freckled face 

"Yeah I know, and what's with the smirk?" He asked while looking at me with curiosity

"Ah, nothing." I said while we were approaching Potions class. When I entered I smelled dead bugs and something strong like perfume, without it being perfume. Dick and I sat together, in the back. After getting settled, a boy sat by me and I am going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, he looked like a demon. He gave me a weird/harsh death glare. Then the professor came out looking..scary

"Hello, my name is none of your business, but I still need know yours." The professor said that like he was the beginning narrator of a scary movie. Then he started role call.

"Where do I know him from?" Dick murmured while squinting his eyes 

"Huh??"I asked and giving a weird face

 "Kaldur'Um?" The professor called

"Here." the Kaldur'um called

"Artemis Crock?"

     Then a burst of wind came out as a blonde girl with tan skin opened the door and screamed "Here!" "Late to your first class isn't as bright Ms.Crock." "I got lost-." "I don't want excuses, go find an empty seat. She eventually found one in the front row an the teacher continued." 

"Wally West?"


"Dick Grayson?"


"Klarion ?"


    So that's the demon-child's name. After the professor finished roll-call, we FINALLY began class.

"So, today class you will attempt to make a potion that will help if you forgot about that one test on Monday and it's called the Memory Potion. Now there is the following items  Jobberknoll Feathers, and a purple bottle. Since this is your first class I wanted to give you something easy. So look on page 394 for the recipe instructions. Now Begin."

         Besides the cheesy name, I think this potion will be helpful because I always forget that I had homework. Plus since Klarion doesn't have a partner he is with us. Dick and I turned to the page and before we could begin, we noticed that Klarion is slacking off, feet on the desk, looking like he is taking a nap, it all and the worst part is the fact that the teacher never noticed. I gave him a mega death glare. Then Dick and I deiced to start off without him. Then right before I decided to put the purple bottle's substance in the pot. He decided to speck.



"I said that is wrong."

"I know what you said."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Uh, fine how about you show us how it is done."

"Gladly." With a smirk on his face.

           Then he totally messed up our potion because he didn't follow the instructions. There are instructions for a reason, just saying. The last part of the instructions say "If done correctly, the color of the potion will be a majestic navy blue color."  If black counts as majestic then I guess we did it correctly. But it's not! Then teacher came around with a floating clipboard and gave us a vile and a grade. "D-the professor announced and gave us the vile. Then suddenly we were dismissed to our next class. Transfiguration, yay not really. Then while walking out the she-devil had to open his mouth one more time. 

"Hey, how about you keep the vile as a like.. a souvenir." He said playfully.

"Grr, why should I listen to you?"

          Klarion stooped in his tracks and turned and gave an ugly look and pointed at my chest.

"Okay, I know you might not know me but if you mess with me I can potentially hurt you..really bad, so find your place here West or I will find it for you!" Then he punched my chest really hard, enough for it to bruise. Even though he was the jock at this high school bulling the simple nerd.But wieldly  that advise stuck with me that whole entire year.

A/N: I finally typed on the computer. Yess. I know I am not mentioning Artemis as much as I should. But I already planned out her story. Plus with my spring break I have a lot time to write, but school is back in session Monday. So writing may be a challenge. But it is a challenge that I would accept bc I really like this story ;) 

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