Chapter Four- Uncommon Fights

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Wally's POV

     I miss food, science and my hot girlfriend Linda, but I had to break up with her because I had to come here. But thankfully I just had dinner and I hear our first class is potions class, so that is the closest I'll get to a science class but I still don't have a girlfriend and that's not until tomorrow. After dinner the seventh years decided to show us our common room which was too confusing because of the MOVING stairs!!!

"Mad yet?" Dick asked me with suspicion

"Very, because one this school has never heard of gravity, now they haven't heard of physics."

"Okay, we don't want your face be the color of your hair."

"You're right."

         Then after climbing like 3 flights of stairs. We stooped right in front of a picture frame and then the older students said the pass code to get to the other side to the common area. "Alright, this the common area where the girls and boys can meet, but no girls in the boys room and vise versa. The girl's room is on the left and the boy's is on the right, so wash up and get ready for bed ." One of the older boys said in a really boring tone. But once that was said all the boys rushed up to the bedroom to pick out there bed

"Wow, why are people excited to go to bed, it's a bed not a million dollars." I told Dick with passion

"Maybe, they have to put on their Barbie Malibu limited edition sheets, like you." Dick told me a smirk in his face

"Hey, it's better than you, who has to set up all of their precious stuffed animals!"

     Once we got up to the room there were two beds left, side by side to another. "I guess is where we will be sleeping for a year." said Dick some sadness in his tone. "Why you so sad, Dicky" I said having a childish tone. "Well for one I have to sleep next to you and two It smells weird right here." "For one thanks for the complement and two the boys put a burping spell on that boy." Me pointing at a boy that was pretty muscular and very mad.

"Man I feel bad for him, first day and he receiving hate mail." Dick said while looking at the boy

"Don't feel bad for him, he nearly started a fight on the train."A figure said while coming behind us.

        The figure was dark skinned kinda like chocolate. Hmm chocolate. Oh, he also had bleach blonde hair and big bright blue eyes.

"The boy over there is named Conner, my name is Kaldur." Kaldur said calmly 

"Hello Kaldur, my name is Dick and this the robot Wally."

"Dude, seriously"

        Then suddenly a fight broke out between that Conner kid, and the other kid who put the burping curse on him. It didn't last long because one of the older students came and put a freezing charm on all of the boys.


      Once we were all unfrozen, Kaldur, Dick and I looked at each with confusion and then we all headed to our beds to got to sleep. Once the lights went off I closed my eyes until the bird brain had to open his mouth again

"Rough day for day one right."

"Yeah, now go to sleep bird brain."

     Then both of us did..until 7am when the seventh year students deiced to wake us up early because of the incident last night. So we got up, got our robes on and headed into the common room area to get a pep talk from the seventh year students. Even worse the girls were there too, so, embarrassment all the way up to the max. 

"Ladies this doesn't apply to you because women are way more mature, but last was awful for the boys, because two of them started a fight about something stupid, which we shall not speak about. So thanks to the boys 50 point were taken from Gryffindor. Now all of you head down to the dining hall for breakfast." After that long chat me and Dick head down to the dining hall together.

"Well are you excited for chemistry?" Bird brain asked. 

"It's only potions class, we are not making chemical reactions."

"Unlike you." he mumbled 


"Nothing, I said -."

"No, if you want be a man, man up and tell me what you said, or are you not a man?"

"YES I AM, and I said unlike you because I believe you won't get a girl this year!!" Dick yelled that louder than he should have.

"Thank you for being a man and challenge accepted." I said while giving a smirk

     By the time we were done with eager conversation we reached the dinning hall and I fell in love the light and fluffy PANCAKES and I eat like 3 stacks. My metabolism kicked in. After all that drama this morning, all I want is to go to potions class. You never know a new potions master in this school!!  

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