Chapter Sixteen-Maybe. Just Maybe

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Dick's POV

     I got up to see rising sun piercing my eyes. They burned, but I only had one thing in mind when I got: "When are we going to see Bruce, again?". I know we'll see him this morning. I'm asking more to myself than to Wally and Artemis.

     Speaking of which. They slept from each other from across the room. I needed more than just a time of departure. I need to know: What we'll need, or, where we're going. I don't even know what to pack because I only packed the things I needed for this journey. But I couldn't stand in the sun from the window forever.

     I headed downstairs to the sight of breakfast, and bags with our names on it. It was like Christmas but wasn't. It's close, but the not the right kind of Christmas. I also saw the fire was burning, bright, so someone was here not too long ago. So I put my focus back on the breakfast. It was simple, not over the top. Pancakes, fruit, juice. Maybe not enough for Wally, but for a normal person, yes.

     I started eating when I heard footprints coming down the stairs. Artemis'. My eyes were taken off the plate while she walked down the stairs. Rubbing her eyes, and her blonde hair in a high bun. 

"What's going on-" Her eyes weren't on the breakfast, but more on the luggage.

"That's are things," I said more to myself than to her.

"From whom?" She said with her eyes wide open.

"I'm guessing Bruce," I pointed my fork at her with a side grin. She looked away though as if someone pushed her dreams away, and no one noticed. "Arty?" I actually had sympathy.

"Let's finishing eating before he gets down here ." We bumped elbows as she passed to get to the table. It hurt, not physically, though. Emotionally

     I stopped into her path before she got to the table. "Did Wally hurt you?" 

"Not, maybe not this time." She shrugged, still trying to get to the table. "Rich-, move-"

     I held her shoulders. I know what was going, and I may never know. I personally know it wasn't Wally. Something about them grew, to the point he would never hurt him. Same for me. I hugged her close, sincere. Not even close to an embrace. More like a piece of time stopping, and restarting into something new.

     I felt something wet on my shoulder. In the corner of my eye. I saw her gray eye glistening with tears. And my almost did the same. 

     I then let get her breakfast. She wiped her eyes and grabbed a pancake. "My father is a Death Eater." My eyes widen, and I could barely comprehend that. "And my mother died the night before we came to Hogwarts. My father killed-killed my mother. My sister is also with them now. You see Dick, this mission scares me half to death. No pun intended." I didn't laugh. 

"I know how it feels to lose a parent. Bruce isn't my biological parent. I bet you could have seen that coming. So if you need someone to talk to. I'm always here." She smiled and then nodded in thanks. 

     Then she gave me this look of confusion. "Then how your parents die then? " She shook her head rapidly. "No, I'm sorry."

"No, I don't mind sharing." While she eat. I told her everything the night, the rope, the goons, and criminals. She looked shocked, to the point I think syrup was dripping down her chin. 

"I'm sorry." She wiped her chin and looked back down on her plate.

"It happened eleven years ago. I'll manage." She chuckled under breath. While without noticing his speed sometimes, Wally grabbed an apple.

"Dude, sometimes we'll manage the way we can."He bit the apple and smirked. 

"Wally, when did you get down here?" Artemis asked more curious than disgusted.

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