Chapter Nine- The Match

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Artemis' Pov

'Okay you can you do this. Can you do this?' I thought while putting on my Slytherin quidditch uniform.

"Hey we are in five." The team captain said.

"Okay, and next knock! You never know if I was naked or not!" I snapped back.

" get your butt on the field!!" The captain gave a disgusted face at me and left.

     I got my broom and redid my ponytail, and took one long, last breath before leaving. When I got onto the field, everyone was lined up ready to start the match. Our first match was against Gryffindor, ironically. Both stood in a line in front of each other, the two lines were about two feet apart. I wasn't in front of Dick nor Wally. I eyed both of them, but they didn't see me.

     Both of the captains were in front of each other, and they released the Quaffle and the Bludgers into the air. And there was long moment of silence, Then the Gryffindor captain threw the Golden Snitch in the air and the match began.

     I suddenly got on my broom and ran to my position on the field. I saw Wally  trying to shot the balls into our hoops. Then a Bludger came towards at me and I hit it towards Wally-trying not to hit him of course-and to show his appreciation to me he gave me a death glare . All I gave him was a smirk, happy at the move I made. I didn't hit Wally and he missed the shot. Then I caught a glimpse at Dick racing to try to find the snitch. Hoping he would find it.

     Then I noticed that Klarion-the seeker of the Slytherin team-was doing something. He was using a locator spell in order to find the snitch. I know it would be considered treason to aim a spell at my own team member, but still. I pull out my wand and noticed an another Bludger was coming at me. So I hit towards Klarion. Good, because I made Klarion say the spell wrong. But bad, because I dropped my wand in the process. I went down  to pick it up and to look up and see Wally score an another point. The score now is 15-7. 

     The game was uneventful til the last five minutes of the match. I was around the hitting, nothing much. The I saw Klarion-with a part of his back towards me-  take something out of his pocket. I recognized it as  "Liquid Luck" a potion that gives you luck. My intentional reaction is let him be. But no, he was cheating, and was hurting my friends on the other team. Wait, did I just called them my friends, I don't care. So got out my wand and aimed and fired at Klarion. But I guessed he saw me fire and shot a counter-spell at me. I was paralyzed from my neck down and I blacked out........


     I woke up to be in the infirmary. I noticed I had feeling again and that I was still in my uniform. I got out of bed and saw that there was no nurses and it was sundown. 

'I'm guessing they are all at dinner.' I said aloud walking out of the infirmary and I headed towards the dinning hall.

     On my way to the dinning hall I saw Wally and Dick walking towards me and when they saw me walking down the hall, they started running to me. And I ran to them.

"Are you okay?" Dick asked while holding my shoulders.

"Yeah..dinner just got done, we came up to check up you before bed." Wally said while walking towards me.

"I'm fine you guys. You don't need to worry." I walked backwards because I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Wait did you get dinner?" Of course Wally would ask that question

"Yeah...We can ask the counselor if we can eat with you." Dick was also looking around to see if he can find the counselors.

"I'm fine. I swear." I say walking away.

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