Chapter Seven-Underestimated

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Artemis's POV

Uh! What is with that guy? All I did was save his life. So this how it went down on the field. So I was beating away the Quaffles coming at us and I look behind me to see this Bludger (that came out of no where) and with my ninja reflexes, I dodge the ball. And in the process of me dodging, it also hit Wally as well. Since I "hurt" him, I thought about being a caring person and checked him every now and then, if Dick wasn't around. Oh, we meet when Wally just entered the infirmary and we did the friendly meeting crap. Like "Hi" "Hey" "I am his BFF" "I am the person who potentially killed him!" Yeah that crap. He as well told me the kid idiot's name, Wally. (what, he can know my name and I can't know his). Now he is awake and the gratitude I get was a death glare. I wish I can punch him back to sleep, but I digress.

At breakfast I wondered. "Why am I here?" "How can I not be like my parents?" and "What exactly happen that night?" But one: I couldn't focus that well with a room of loud, obnoxious kids and two: I wasn't that hungry. So I exited the dining hall (no one cared anyways) and headed across this bridge, and towards this "stone hedge like" structure by the bridge. Kinda close to Captain Marvel's hut. I sat there and thought about last night in the infirmary and....Wally .I guess I took a cat nap and woke up to hear a voice."Huh, do I have to go this class, it's not relevant to my education." The voice belonged to a spoiled demon-child and I knew who it was. Klarion. I hated this kid more than Wally did because for one I am in the same house as he was, and two I have EVERY class with him. Thankfully I was behind the rock and he was in the front standing around waiting for more people to show up. So he didn't see me! Then I hear two similar voice walking off the bridge and coming closer to the rock structure."So your 'protector' is teaching our class?" "Ye-." Dick and Wally, but they were cut off by Klarion. "So I see Tweedledee and Tweedledum finally decided to show up." Klarion said while leaning against the wall."Well at least I am here to learn, unlike you who thinks he knows everything and screws up our grade." Wally said with eager.

"Well, I see this relationship is neutral."

"To be completely honest, I don't think this relationship will every be the same."

"And why is that?" Klarion was now getting in Wally's face. Now I getting scared for Wally's fate. Wait, what am I saying?!

"Because you know I hate you more you than you think I do."

"Okay, here I will show the hate but on your face." Then Klarion raised his hand to Wally's face with an angry look.

Then my ninja instincts kicked in. I ran from behind the rock and in front of Klarion's face, right before he was about to punch Wally's face. I grabbed his wrist and twisted to behind his back (like I was about to put handcuffs on him, but I only had one wrist) and whispered in his ear "You back away from my friends and I and I won't hurt you, but for the sake of it, I might." Then he replied, rookie mistake. "You remind me so much of your fath-." I kneed him in the back and potentiality broke it, but I don't care. I turn back to Dick and Wally's faces, which they were surprised. I gave a simple smirk. Then Dick came up and gave me a high five .

"Thanks, If it weren't for you we might have been bruised face for weeks." Dick said that with smile.

"Yeah, thanks." Wally said while mumbling his words

"Aw thanks, finally someone knows what gratitude is." I said while looking straight into his emerald eyes.

"Hey, I gave you gratitude."

"When?!" I said with a much more eager look.

"Alright, we don't need more arguments today WALLY." Dick said while interrupting us

"What, she started it." Wally said while looking confused and slightly angry.

"Okay if I am done here. I said while walking to Captain Marvel's hut."I will be heading to my class now."

"Wait, you have Captain today too, great now I get to hear more bickering from you." Wally said that like I bicker all the time.

"I'm not the one bickering now."

After....that. I started heading down to the hut and Dick caught up to me while Wally was in the back, walking likely he was depressed. Then I saw Klarion get up from his passed out state and start running towards me. His hands were around my neck, then I was in a choke hold. He started choking me. I hear yelling and screaming from Dick and Wally and I know for sure my face was turning purple. I never expected this but I saw Wally take out his wand and yelled "Stupefy", which zapped Klarion right off me. Then Klarion ran off like nothing never happened. After I catched my breath, I saw a hand trying to help me up. I grabbed it and saw it was red headed idiot. Dick wasn't around, I'm guessing he went to get help.

"Thanks, but where did you lean that spell and why did you save me." I asked

"One: your the welcome, Two: I maybe an 'idiot' but I still read and three: I might still hate, but since you scratched my back, thought it might be my turn." Wally said that like I was his..friend. Wow this guy has faster mood swings than me.

"Yeah, thanks and where's Dick" I asked while crossing my arms.

"He said he was going to beat up Klarion, but I doubt." He said while pouting.

"I bet that too, oh yeah I still hate you."

"Why is that?"

"Cause we are enemies on the "battlefield" "

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"Are you stupid, you made the quidditch team!"

"Wait I really did?"

"Yeah, I checked when you were in coma mode, you made chaser."

"Wow thanks!!"

"You need to be on the field next Monday. So you can be beat by a girl. Again" I said that while walking to the hut for class. Since some students were there.

"You're on!"

"Well the girl you hate the most, nearly killed so I think you should back off." I said without facing him. I wasn't flirting by the way. I still really hate him and his friend because he never beat Klarion he was talking to Captain Marvel. Such a liar. But these people are way better than the people in my past!!

A/N: I love this story and sorry I haven't wrote in while. But I want to write every Saturday. Oh and thank you so much for the views!!!!!☺ 150 views. YAY

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