Chapter Fifteen- Burdens

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Artemis' POV

I was waiting outside of the Gryffindor common room. Dick and Wally said they were going to get a robe. Which made uncomfortable, because of the pictures were talking, having conversations, anything for that matter. But there was this picture that caught my eye. The Malfoy manor. A still life picture that says a thousand words.

"You'll never turn back to who you were. Just take future's hand and never let go."

"Artemis." Wally tugged on my sleeve and gave me one of his or Dick's robe. I couldn't tell. The robe was in perfect condition and Wally's had a hole in it already.

"Oh thanks, but I can't take this." I tried to hand back the robe he gave me.

"No, I insist. Trust me we won't need robes for a while. So I have to use all my robes somehow." He put the robe on my shoulder, and clasp it closed.

"There you go," He looked at me with a smirk "The older students are asleep. So come in when you feel like it." He then walked back in, and I looked up, back at Malfoy manor picture. Haunted by it, so I ran back into the common area. But I find it pointless to be wearing a robe because no one is there.

"Where the heck is everybody?!" I raise my hands in the air. I know I didn't want to sleep in the same room with these boys.

"Bruce said we can have the whole common room to ourselves," Dick said casually.

"You didn't answer my question," I put my arms down and put them on my hips. "Where are the kids.?"

"They are in evacuation rooms. Since they don't have to go on a pointless quest." Wally, waving his wand around like he was smart.

"Why aren't we with them?! And why did give me your robe-" Wally put his hand over my mouth

"Shut it will you. Gryffindor may be the brave household, but we have the most arrogant talking pictures. So if they figure out you aren't a Gryffindor. They mind as well kill you."

"And Bruce said we could stay in here for tonight and we leave tomorrow. But the pictures don't know that." Dick explained while sitting on the couch.

"Just be happy they're asleep-" Wally started. "They never are. It seems like" Dick finished.

"So where do I put this?" I held up my bag and smirked.

"Oh, just put it on one of the beds. The dorm is pretty much empty." Wally walked over to the couch, taking off his tux jacket and placing on his face acting like he was sleeping.

"In the boy's dorm." Dick and Wally- even with tux jacket on his face- looked surprised.

"Sure, put it on one of the beds," Dick explained, closing his eyes.

I went up the stairs to the boy's dorm. All of the bed were messy, and the room smelled like feet. I opened up some windows, in hope, this quarantine place would smell much better. Keyword: hope. I made a bed and put my bag on top. I unpacked my bag trying to find my brush and a Pjs.

While in search for my brush, I felt a metal object. My dad's dagger. He gave it to me before-. The next thing I know I'm crying. Not tearing, but sobbing. This isn't my character.

"Artemis-" I heard someone call out.

"Who's there?" I say holding the dagger.

"Stupefy." The dagger was out of my hand and a crashing sound was heard on the floor.

"Dick, that's funny put the wand and leave me be." I turned back to my bag and finally found my brush.

"It's not Dick." The figure turned on the lamp. And it was- to (not) my surprise- Wally.

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