Chapter 17: War

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The morning of our attack I sit on the bed with Faolan crying,we both have tears running down our faces. This is the point of no return the point were we cannot turn back and wave the white flag. Were spliting up the woman children, were going to send them to all neiboring backs. While everybody may not be our ammediet allies or willing to fight they understand why we need they to take them in. I grasp his hand with my own and stare into his eyes, "I love you." I whisper in his ear as our tears mix togeather, "don't die on me."

"I'll try"

"Thats all I can ask of you"

"Don't leve me," I keep my voice low as I lean in and press my lips to his. "You are my world"

"My Queen"

"My King"

"It fills me with pride everytime you call me that"

"Good, I love calling you that."

"Good, I will never get tired of you calling me that. I cannot wait to marry you and well I sure as hell can't wait to fully mate with you."

"Uh," I blush and he chuckles.

"I love everything about you and I hate the fact that you refuse to leave, Fae. I don't want anything to happen to you but I can understand why you refuse to leave my side."

"We'll get threw this, love prevails sweetheart."

"Lets hope," its three o'clock now and I'm balled up on his lap. He's running his long calused fingers threw my hair and damn does it feel amazing with all the little shock waves it sends threw my body, I never want this to stop. "Never leave me," he whispers with his lips brushing my ear.

"I promise as long as you go nowhere"

"I swear, we'll get to wake up everyday next to one and othe and make fun of each others bed head."

"Sound amazing"

"It does dosen't it"

"I can't wait till were old and gray, but still madly in love."

"I can't wait to change your last name"

"I can't wait to have a little one," my face heats up but I pull back and hold eye contact anyways.

"That'll be hell," he chuckles nuzzling into my hair. "It'll be great to have a little you running around"

"Oh lord, that will be hell"

"I want a little boy first?"


"So I can have a little girl after, he'll protect my girls when I cannot."

"That sounds perfect"

"It does dosen't it"

"Yeah, I wish you didn't have to go"

"I wish you didn't insit on going"

"I wont let anything happen to you without me being by your side the whole time"

"You think I'd let you out of my sight?"

"We need to shower"

"I don't want to let you go"

"Then don't, lets take a long before its time to fight"

"Sounds like the best thing I've ever heard"

"You'll see more of me then anybody ever has"

"I wont sleep with you or play around like that, this is about savering all we have till we no longer have it. This is about having each other."

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