Chapter Two: Staying

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I have no idea why I passed out I mean I was perfectly fine with all of it at that moment then boom I was out like a light. Sitting up I realize that my head is pounding, they probably didn't catch me, idiots. Sighing I swing my body around and get up, where are my shoes? Oh there they are by the door. I'm in a plane room that only has a bed and black walls, homie. I open the door and am automatically surrounded by four boys," Uh hi?"
"Hello, Miss. Nyx." One says he has jet black hair.
"Fae, its Fae. I hate being called Miss. Nyx."
"Well Fae," a lovely ginger boy says with a dimple grin. "What are you doing?"
"Chill Marcan, it’s more important to ask how she is since you failed to catch her." Hmm, snappy blond. I wonder why hair color is mattering so much; maybe it’s just an identification?
"Well sorry, how are you Fae?" Marcan asks and I give him a shy smile.
"My head hurts but I'm alright." They nod at my response, and I look at the only one that hasn't talked, the light honey hair colored boy.
"Sorry about that," Marcan blushes a sweet crimson and I laugh a little.
"Back on track now," the light honey hair colored boy says and I turn my head to the side only for him to do the same.
"You’re the leader" I say and he nods with a smirk.
"What are you doing, Miss. Nyx?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"Going on a walk," I say in a duh tone with a smirk of my own before shouldering past them. I make it only a few steps before I'm surrounded again and I sigh looking at Marcan since I only know his name. "Marcan I've had one hell of a day so far, yesterday was no better. I'm missing school, which is my only way out of my hell so would please move out of my way so I can go home and pack so I don't have to miss more days then necessary."
"Why are you packing?" Marcan asks and I sigh with a frown.
"I lost my Job a bit ago and now I have no place to go, I need to get my stuff before it’s given to the scavengers on the street."
"That sucks," he says with a frown before getting a glint in his eyes and facing the light honey hair colored boy, "Please?" He says with an adorable pouty face and I laugh a little. "Let her stay here still she's on her feet Faolan." So his names Faolan?
"Marcan I can't"
"She knows, what is the issue?"
"There are a good number of issues such as we know nothing about her"
"We can't leave a woman on the street; we never know what would happen. We don't need another me, Faolan" With that Marcan walks away with the blond on his heels.
"Well I guess that’s settled" Faolan says with a sigh. "If you want to live here you can, Ryan can take you home and bring you back." He walks away in the direction of Marcan and the blond and I'm left with the raven haired boy, Ryan?
"Well," he says in a cheery voice with a grin. "You’re staying right?"
"I don't know if it’s such a good idea," people tend to die around me.
"Why not"
"Things tend to happen; I'm a lot of bad luck"
"Well my names Ryan Patrick O’Hollaran, and I like to cause issues. I have no luck what so ever of any kind so we can be friends."
"How does that logic work?" I ask with a real smile and he blinks at me surprised, "what?"
"You gave me a real smile; you’re really pretty like that."
"Thank you," I say blushing and looking down.
"Sorry sometimes things just come out, off we go." Ryan grabs my hand and drags me away, I guess I'm staying. We walk through far too many halls and after ten minutes we manage to appear at the front door. We walk out and it looks like a freaking parking lot, we go to a black Chevy S10 pick up and he opens the door for me releasing my hand. I get in and he closes the door before going to his side and getting in, we put our seat belts on in union and he starts her up.
It takes a while for me to figure out how to get home and before I know it were at the edge of Lupine Forest so I can get us to my rent a house, after that it takes twenty minutes to get there and I slip inside the house above the shop and sit on my bed with a sigh. Ryan sits down beside me, I wasn't even aware he followed me up. "Hey, Fae" he whispers.
"I'm sorry"
"You never have a home do you? Not since you ended up on your own for whatever reason."
"Yeah," my voice is a sad broken whisper
"Well, you have one now. You can stay as long as you want, you know? You don't have to work while you’re in school now." He smiles at me and I manage to give him a weak one of my own. "Let’s get you packed and home so you can shower, change and have some grub with the guys and I."
"Okay," I smile standing up only to lay down and get two suit cases from under my bed along with five card bored boxes, you got to always be prepared. Ryan looks a little sad that I have then but I just shrug it off and go to my dresser and begin shoving clothes in boxes. Ryan grabs a box and does the same with my bathroom. It takes twenty minutes to finish the boxes then I flip the top mattress to the floor and open the first suitcase. I pick up the money off the first half and ignore Ryan’s stare, this is what my dad left me with, then when that’s finished I put the only jewelry I own in there, a gold chain with a diamond incrusted N and a charm bracelet. I close the case and open the second one putting the two nine millimeters and extra ammo casings in them before closing it and locking it with a sigh. I sit back on my bed and look at Ryan sadly. "Faolan and I have a long talk ahead of us because I'm sleeping without my guns again." I say calmly. "They make me feel better, like I have some control." He nods stacking four boxes and going down stares while I grab the suit cases and follow his lead.

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