Chapter One: The Beginning

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Walking through the woods, that’s what I'm doing my friends. I am walking through Lupine woods. Why? Well, because people just love to bully me. At first they followed me but everyone knows there are wolfs here and well I just don't care. After twenty minutes of walking I practically feel the air shift and before I know it I'm surrounded. Theses wolfs are quite large but I keep my head. Looking at the one in front I turn my head to the side, he's in charge at the moment. I sit down against a tree and berry my head in my hands with a sigh, unafraid. When I was little I use to roam the woods all the time, I don't care what’s in here or what could happen. Let me tell you, there is nothing worse out here then there are in my home town, the animals are just as horrid except they walk on two legs and wear clothing.

I don't cry, plead or scream as I feel their presence surround me I just look up and study their fur. Each coat is a different color but there all beautiful; my favorite is the pitch black one whose fur shines in the sunlight. Shrugging I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Biting my lip I look up and see that it’s getting late, what the hell? I haven’t been out here for-.... Oh right Brittany and her gang locked me in the bathroom till five, jerks! It’s probably about seven since they screwed with me when I was finally free. As it darkens the black wolf nudges me but I remain still, I have nowhere to go. After a while they all nudge me but I just frown. The wolfs smell the air and that's when I hear footsteps. My eyes widen and I react on instinct climbing into the tree. The wolfs quietly slip away as the sheriff and a few others walk past guns raised, why hello there. "Sheriff?" I whisper and they all twirl around eyes wide.

"Fae Rhoslyn Nyx," yeah my names made out of first names.


"You panicked a lot of people."

"They chased me in here."



"Come on then, let get you out of here."

"I don't want to go back..."

"Well you can't stay her Miss. Nyx."

"Why not?"

"You'll die"

"It’s not like anybody would care," and that’s when I hear it. Growling, are the wolfs back? As there faces pale I turn around facing the four wolfs, well I guess they're back. Sighing I shake my head at their fear and cock my head to the side once more. They come close to me and the men back away in fear, and for me well I'm frozen to the spot. The rub against me as they pass me and I turn around wide eyed at the sheriff suddenly petrified.  He motions for me with his hand as I become surrounded and I just stare all doe eyed.

"Come on girl move slowly and maybe we can make it out of this unharmed." A deputy says and I slowly step forward only to have a wolf snip at my ankle and make me stop, yeah I'm screwed.

"Sheriff?" I ask in a breathless voice.

"It's alright sweet heart."

"Like hell it is, she's going to die sir." My eyes widen at his bluntness as does everybody else, meanie.

"Joey!" One man screams at him and the wolfs growl all together, well crap.

"Oh would you guys shut up before I die?"

"Uh, try coming again?" The sheriff asks and I do over and over again till it turns pitch black. "Miss. Nyx, we don't know what to do. We can't reach anyone and we dare not move."

"Well this sucks my legs hurt."

"Were going to do a few warning shots and if nothing happens I want you to-"

"Enough" a deep voice says from behind him, "I've been looking all over for my wolfs and this is where I find them?" I sigh confused but calming down. " Sheriff take your men and go so I can get the little one free."

"Okay, Peter." The sheriff says and they just walk away. Once there gone I just plop on down no longer afraid. The wolfs move closer and peter sighs.

"Enough guys, seriously." His voice is demanding but has no effect as they all lay around me. "You've protected her enough now she needs to go home."

"They’re not going to do anything; I can walk away if I want." I say suddenly confident.

"How do you know?"

"I have no idea, I just do."

"Well then stand and we'll get you home." Oh yeah I forgot about that, hmm I have no home especially now that I lost my job.

"Ha that’s a joke," it just kind of slips out.

"What are you implying?" He growls along with the wolfs.

"The fact that it’s a joke that I have a home."

"Ah, well come with me anyways and you can return to where ever you belong,” I scoff at that too. "Miss. Nyx was it?"

"Yes sir," I smirk rising and the wolfs stand with me.

"Miss. Nyx lets just get out of here and into the light yeah?" But that’s when it happens, the howling. Its different then you'd think, it fills your head and at times it can be lovely but not theses howls. They’re hungry and cruel and I sigh looking at my back-pack strap just as a scrawny wolf pops us and soon were surrounded by about thirty,

"We'll that escalated quickly," I mutter and Peter snickers before doing the impossible, shifting. "Well that’s new," I mutter. I am far to calm for this to be happening maybe I'm napping then I scream as the fight begins. Opps...

The battle lasts for about half an hour and my protectors don't come out unharmed but they do however send the bad wolfs away with their tails between their legs. Yawning I sit back down; it’s to late for this.  Apparently I spoke to soon as more wolfs come and surround us, that and woman. Oh come on, this is so not happening. I close my eyes and rap my arms around my waist, I've already had one hell of a day can't they just go away?

I'm brought out of my thoughts as somebody lays a blanket on me and I freaked out only for somebody to grab my waist from behind and restrain me. Cursing I dead weight but it doesn’t effect him just makes him laugh a little, jerk. Straightening my body out I slam my head back and he lets go. "Miss. Nyx," oh it was Peter.

"Sorry, Peter."

"Its fine, now boys shift." I have no idea what he's talking about but as the moon light slips between the canopy leaves I see for men putting on boxers and I hide my face blushing. "Sorry about that but I figure you'd like to meet your saviors?"

"Yeah, maybe when I can see them?" I put my hands down and face Peter.

"I'd say you just did," a warm voices says and four laughs follow making me blush a deep crimson.

"Boys let’s get home before you screw with her, hm? I mean she did just learn some shocking news."

"Yeah about that..." And I pass out...

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