Chapter Fourteen : I'm a distraction?

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After my day of  conformation I'm more then extatic to jump into bed once the meetings finally over, as I curl up into Faolan I'm happy to not only finally have there acceptence but to be wearing my own night gown rather then his cloths. Don't get me wrong I love him and the way he smells is heavenly but sometimes I miss my stuff, the things that give me individuality.

Grabbing his hand in my own I wounder for a brief moment if he's happy with me and how everything has turned out, I mean is he pleased that I'm his mate. Those moments are when I have to remind myself that we were quite literally made for one and other, its why we love so fiercly. We complete one and other, we have a deeper conection then marrage could ever give us but I still want  to carry his last name and have the knowledge that were married. It is seriously very important to me  and I am imensly pleased that he's willing to marry me, that he's willing to wait for our wedding day for both of us to loose our verginity. Thats another thing all togeather, he waited. It is not a sure thing that we will ever meet our mates in this life which means he would have been mine forever or at least.. Just yeah, mine.

You know I never thought I'd be so protective of somebody but he really means a lot to me, I would do anything for him. Actually no I wouldn't,  I will not stay out of this fight no matter how hard he pleads. My mate and my pack will not go into battle without me, I wont let him be alone like that. I will always have his back.

Closing my eyes I can not fight the smile that finds it's way to my lips as I think of his love...

Usually I am the one who rudly wakes Faolan up so to have him sit on me is a seriouse suprise, I shove him off and kick him when hes down, I'm  kidding well not about the shoving him onto the floor part I do that  a hell of a lot more then I should. Smiling cheekily at each other we wait for the others move, I am the one who brakes the silent still spell as I tackle his laying form. I curl up on his stumich as I tickle him, he makes me fall off and I pout at his cute red face, he's majorly ticklish. "Well then," I mutter rolling away and under the bed.

"Not this again," he growns and I snicker as he gets up and turns the light on. How the hell didn't I notice it was off? "Get out from under there"

"You can't make me," I taunt. Suddenly I am exposed as he lifts the bed and I roll away, jumping to my feet and sprint to the door. Sadly I only manage to grasp the door nob before I'm pulled away and thrown threw the air and onto his bad. "Oh."

"Oh is right," he chuckles taking his sweet time walking over to me..

"Hurry up," I mutter and he does as he suddenly takes me into his arms and stealing me from the loving imbrace of the bed. I cuddle into his cheast trying to steal all his heat, "be warmer." I mutter against his shoulder and his arms tighten around me.

"Are you cold?"

"A little," he drags me to the bed and enshroweds me in a sheet.

"I love you"

"I love you so much more, your everything I could ever ask for. You've given me everything I've always needed but never knew."

"I'm glad," he kisses my forehead.

"Next week is going to bring hell to our tabel"

"I know but I got your back"

"You better," I giggle snuggling closer.

"I'll die for you, I love you."

"I  know," I smirk as he growls in anoyence.

"Fine then I don't love you"

"Excuse me!" I exclaim sitting up and pulling away, "what the hell did you just say?"

"I. Don't. Love.You." He pronounces each word ceperently

"Screw you,"  I growl getting up and walking out.

"Fae," he whispers in my ar grasping onto my waist. "I love you."

"Scream it to the world then"

"Theres no need to, your my world."

"I love you, Faolan."

"I love you too, and I don't want anyting to happen to you. I want to beileve we will win this war but even  have my doubts,  I am so scared Fae. I worry for our back and what will happen after this war but I am terrified by the tought of loosing you, I don't know what I'd be without you. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and wounder how the hell I  was hhappy without you. How I functioned and foug without you. In these past two weeks I have changed more then I have in years, I have completly and utterly fallen in love with you and I'm so glad that we have caught one and other because we complete each other."

"I love that you fear for me but your not getting out of marrying me so were not going anywhere," I laugh as he liftd me and gives me my much needed kiss.  "I love you to the moon and back sweetheart."

"I love you, baby doll. You've quickly out shined everybody in my eyes."

"Good," I grin rapping my arms around his waist and laying on his cheast. 

"Do we have things to do today?" I ask as he hugs me closer and lays his head on mine.

"Yes, I have a hell of a lot to do and we have training. Kristoff and you will contine training no matter how bad it pisses me off, you wont be able to train a lot next week and I want you safe."

"I'll be fine, I swear."

"You can't be sure, you haven't been training as long as they have"

"I have different training then they do, I have street skill as well as what I've learned from  my dad and what I'll be learning this week. I've had to survive on my own for a damn long time and I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"I wouldn't let you anyays."


"I swear," he kisses me onec more and we leave the room hand and hand. We go down stairs and we pass a mirror causing me to grown.

"Holy hell I look like-"

"Fae," Faolans voice is sharp as he cuts me off. "Your beautiful." I smile taking my hand away and putting my hair up in a pony tail.

"I'm so messy, I need a shower."

"Everybody loves there Luna, I don't think anybody cares."

"I care"

"You look amazing as always, your perfect no matter what."

"So, is it breakfest then we split ways?"

"Yes, I have much to do that  I cannot be distracted by."

"Im a distracted?"

"Yes, babe. You are all I can think abuout when your near me, my mate."

"My King," I smirk as we make our way to the kichen and get our  food...

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