Chapter Five: Accepted and Attacked

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Waking up has never been an issue for me, however waking up with a room full of woman all staring at me is. I turn around to hide my face in Faolan’s chest only to find that he is not there. Sitting up I stare at them all slightly frightened, I don’t deal with a large number of people very well. Running my hand over my face I sigh, “What’s up?”

“That’s what we should be asking you,” a petite ginger says

“What do you mean?” I am annoyed already, but only just a little.

“How’d you get in here?” The ginger asks again.

“Faolan,” who I’m going to kill for leaving me here.

“Who are you to him?” A beautiful wide eyed blond asks.

“Uh…” Do I tell them?

“She’s my mate,” Faolan says. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I get up and slap his arm, “What was that for?”

“You left me and I woke up surrounded by them,” I point at the woman and he chuckles.

“Come, and as for you all do your job.” He pulls me away and to the all-black room that now holds my stuff. “I’d rather have you with me but mom says you wouldn’t go for that right now.”

“Your mother is correct.”

“But why?”

“It’s improper.”



“Okay, okay”

“I’m sorry”

“It’s alright, I can wait.” He grins kissing my nose.

“Damn straight,” I laugh walking out of the room. “I’m hungry, can we get some food?”

“Man you eat a lot”

“Do not”

“Do too”



“I’m leaving,” I turn away only for him to lift me and run to the kitchen. Laughing he puts me down and I glare at him, some woman offers to get me food but I just stare at her before making a bowl of cereal. I eat happily and he stands behind me. “Must you hold me?” I grumble still annoyed from him carrying me.

“Yes,” his breath fans my cheek as he nuzzles my neck, “you know you love it.”



“Faolan, your fine but not that fine”

“Please, I’m sexy!” He exclaims causing me to giggle, he kisses my cheek and I laugh at him some more.

“You’re you”

“I’m yours”

“I know,” we grin at each other and Annalisa comes in.

“You two look cozy this morning,” she laughs causing me to blush. I can feel his grin on my neck as I finish and push him away. I stand and after putting my bowl away I run away to my new room, going through my cloths I look for something I can wear. In the end I decide on black boots, dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. Faolan walks in without knocking and is damn lucky my pants were on otherwise he’d have no eyes right now. I kick him out and quickly dress before exiting, I waltz up to him with a frown and he apologizes.

“You know it’s my body anyways,” he mutters and I shove him.

“At the moment its mine and will remain that way for a long time with how you behave.”

“Oh come on love,” he says pulling into his arms. “I’ve already proven I can be a jerk and you’ve proven to be forgiving and protective as hell.”

“You’re possessive”

“And you will be too just you wait”

“You’re so lucky”

“Why is that?”

“This is why,” and I kiss him. It’s just a light peck but his hold tightens immensely and I worry about bruising. “Faolan you’re holding to tightly.” He automatically releases me and I sigh leaning my head against his chest.

“I am so sorry,” he whispers in my ear and I look up at his sad face. Reaching my hand up I smooth out his worry lines with a grin and carouse his face.

“You have nothing to apologize for”

“I could have hurt you”

“You’d never hurt me on purpose”


“Still nothing”

“I guess we are getting cozy,” he smirks kissing me. As it deepens all my worries fly away and I think I’ll accept him as my mate on my birthday. I wince as I feel a burning on my chest and pull away, he grins but I can tell he feels the pain. “You accepted!” He exclaims grinning like a little kid who was just given a bag of candy and allowed to eat it for diner. Instead of answering I put my hand over my heart and squirm some. “Let it do its job, it should almost be finished.” Nodding I look at him with wide eyes, I didn’t know it was possible but my eyes widen as he strips off his shirt and I see what looks like a tattoo.

I place my hand just next to it and stare. It’s a little hand with what looks like a fairy in the palm, I run my hand over it and see that its more him then any tattoo could be, it’s a picture on his skin. “It’s one of two marks mates get, I’d imagine the fairy is a little you.” I grin at him as he brings me into his arms and twirls us, I squeal laughing. Ten minutes later a crowd of people appear and I hide in Faolan’s bear chest. They congratulate us and try to get my to show my face put I refuse everybody, even Faolan. His chuckles vibrate our bodies as he talks to us all but out happiness is short lived as the boys come in looking panicked.

“Were under attack!” Marcan exclaims and things seem to explode...

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