Chapter Eight: Ceremony

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I have never seen a man pace so much, he's not a happy camper. "How could he do this now?!?"

"He wants to be there for his mate and he knows you'll do well."

"We haven't even fully mated," I blush deeply looking at my hands shyly. "See what I mean? Your shy as hell, what if we can't do this? What if we fail?"

"Faolan?" I call softly.

"Yes," he turns around and I stare into his burning eyes.

"Shut the hell up"

"Excuse me?" He kneels in front of me obviously annoyed.

"Your over reacting, your fathers aged well but that does not change his age nor your mothers. There mark was severed for god sake's! He'll no doubt help you every step of the way but he wont be leading you all into battle, you will be. He's still your father, your Alpha but you'll be everybody else Alpha and I'll be there every step of the way, human or no. You need to stop fishing for an argument that will never happen, we will be Alpha and Luna and we will take it with pride and honor. We'll do our best and when time comes you'll mark me and we'll have little ones running around."

"Your birthdays getting really close"

"Only a week away"

"You ready?"


"Your birthday, you'll be able to tell better. You'll feel an even stronger bond."

"I've already excepted you"

"And I you, my Luna."

"You ready to lead your people? To be Alpha?"

"I have to be, however I'm slightly nervous and frightened for the ceremony"


"I have to bite him, then the ritual begins."

"Oh? You'll be fine, love."

"I know but what if I fail or mess up and end up harming him? I'd never forgive myself."

"Calm down love," I run my hand along his cheek and he closes his eyes breathing deeply.

"Lets go home," he stands suddenly and a nurse comes in and begins to take everything off and out. I hate the process especially the needle part but he holds my hand threw it all.

"Alright, she's ready to go."

"Thank you, Amy." He lifts me and carry's me away with a twinkle in his eye.

"I can walk you know," I snap playfully. " I want to actually"

"To bad because I want to carry you," he does just that all the way to the car where he has to put me down to open the door and I climb in. He speeds home and using his inhuman  speed he gets to the door before I can even unbuckle and carrys me to his room."

"I wanna shower," I grumble as he lays me on his bed.

"Alright," he sighs and then points at a door. "Threw there, I'll find you something to wear."

"Goodie," I grin skipping to the bathroom. Smiling I slowly begin to strip and turn the water on to a burning level, what can I say I like things hot. Oh I am such a dork, giggling to myself I get in and let the water slam into my exhausted body. I love this, it feels amazing as hell! I stretch like a cat and grab a bottle of shampoo, it smell amazing and spicy just like him. I slowly was my slightly long wavy sandy blond mess then scrubbing it in for a while I just kind of stand there. What does it  mean to be a Luna? Where is my true father, Kristoff. Does he know I'm alive, that dads dead. Dad. I can't believe he never told me! I mean come on! I wish he would have told me, I wish I knew mortruleye because I hate all  this not knowing bull  crap. I put conditioner in my hair as Faolan brings me a razor and some shaving cream, I happily shave my tired body before washing and finally rinsing it all off, I'm all clean now. Singing softy to myself I get out and rap my hair and body in two different towels, "Faolan I need close!" I holler threw the closed door.

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