Chapter Nine : Learning

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Faolan and  I stay for a while neither of us drink, our minds already clouded with thoughts of my so called father, we end up leaving with hearty good byes in our wakes. "I can't beileve he came here," I whisper as we go into his office.

"You'll be safe"

"I'm not scared for me"

"Fae, everything will be okay, I'll save the world for you." He grins kissing my nose sitting in his chair, I sit on his desk and we talk quietly              .

"I don't know what is going on and its driving me insain"

"Well just have to wait it out"

"I want my dad but they took him away from me," I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm your dad, Fae. I named you," Kristoff says from the door way.

"He gave me my middle name."

"Fae," he sighs.

"Why are you here?"

"I've had to stay away from my own fleash and blood for eighteen years, I wanted to talk to you for once."

"You let him die"

"Wait, he's dead?" He looks suprised, "I thought he was missing not dead." Idiot.

"Well he's dead, I don't want anything to do with you."

"Fae," this time its Faolan. "Let him talk, listen."

"My name is Kristoff David Nyx and I am your father, your mothers name is Lillian Johanna Binks and I couldn't save her the same way I couldn't save Adam. I am so sorry for that," he sighs bitting his lip.  "Fae, Adam and I are not human meaning that neither are you. Lilian and Jullian were though, they were both killed within a year of one and other. I went mad with greif and revenge, you were two when I had to give you to Adam.  Your half human so I'm not sure you'll be able to have a child with your mate, Julian couldn't have one.

We loved our wifes, I mean from the moment we met them. We left our world, our destiny for these woman.  Were called diserters, were hunters and now were being hunted because we fell in love, then we had you and things got worse. When you were one they finally found us,  I'm thinking they followed us for a while too. I was out at the doctors trying to figure out if you were healthy, trying to learn how to be a dad. I'd came home to a busted door and I ran across the way to Adams and left you with him, he was still greaving eventhough it'd been a little over a year since Julian.  I'd done a full cheak of the house, there were dead bodys and blood everywhere but my wife wasn't there. I freaked out I mean yeah we trained them well and we'd only met them because they were human hunters so she could fight but I clouldn't find her!  I hunted them down till I found her body, she was dead. The only person I'd ever cared about, the only person 'd ever loved was dead and I wasn't there for her. I was gone for a months before I'd came back for you, I left and traveled the war hunting for them. Finally I'd decided that I couldn't take care of you, I needed the hunt to bad and I was loosing the humanity that Lilian had shoved into me.

I left you with him but I'd call and cheak up on you randomly, I'd stop by and watch you till Adam saw me and sent me packing so you wouldn't get upset. Adam loved you and didn't want you to be taken away from him, he thought I was a danger to you but he never stopped to think that we were one of the same  and  his life was just as dangerouse as mine. Every breath you take puts everybody at risk, I didn't want to train you at all."

"Then why'd you give me to him?"

"I had to."

"No you didn't!" I holler getting off the desk and walking over to him, "you were selfish  and you left me because you had no time! You didn't want to have to deal with me as a child and now you want me as an adult! You didn't have time to know me while I was little and I don't want to  know you now, I've been alone for ever because you didn't want me! I had to raise myself, barry dad because I was alone!" Tears  roll down my eyes and I jsut stare at him.

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