Chapter Thirteen: A day for conformation

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I'm currently just staring at Kristoff and he's just staring at me, we've been siting motionless is what Faolan is now calling my office for twenty minutes and I mean literally twenty minutes of silence.

"Why am I here?" He finally breaks the silence.

"Thats what I want to know," I smirk with a raised brow.

"I was summoned by the Alpha Femail also known as the Luna of the pack I'm visiting to her new office after supper."

"Why are you visiting the pack?"

"Your my daughter"

"Why the hell are you here Kristoff?!?" I growl slamming my hands down rising, "because I'm coming up blank. Why the hell have you been helping us? I mean hell you've spent your life killing all there kinds, your a killer so why are you suddenly helping?"

"Look here," he rises and I raise my chin matching his glare with a chilling one of my own till he looks down at my hands. "Your to get married when the war is over and I'm to walk you down the isle, I want to ensure that that will happen. It was by your request that I'm helping out, that I am here."

"Lies, you came here first for some reason!"

"There'd been an attack, it was time"

"Funny how you come just after offering to help"

"You asked! I told you all everything its not my fault that you cant get over Adams death or the fact that we've killed! Your just like us and you have a blood lust for those threatining your new family because its always been what you've needed, a family!"

"Screw you, Kristoff!"

"Wake the hell of Fae, your to much of a pussy to admit the facts!"

"Burn in hell!"

"It just means I'll be joining Adam," and I jump over my desk and tackle him to the ground. However I don't hit him, I don't need to.

"You don't know anything, you haven't been there the whole time. Dad raised me as long as he could then I raised myself, I'm more of a father to myself then you are." My voice is cold as I stand up and return to my seat.

"You don't understand Fae," he sighs running his hand threw his hair with a tight jaw.

"And I have no idea how you can ask me to!" I exclaim furiously, "you have no right to! You haven't been there, I needed you but instead I was left all alone. I was just a little girl when I barried him and another, I became wild and ended up innstatutionalized and it was terrible. Where were you then? You can ask me to understand or beileve you, its wrong to ask me to exept you when you just walked in one day a total stranger."

"I'm just asking for a chance"

"And you've been given one"

"No I haven't, if you can't begin to attempt to understand then I truley have not."


"You need to begin healing and forgiving before you can try to understand and give me my second chance."

"Do you deserve it?"

"No, but I'll do everything in my power to get as close as I can to deserving it."


"I'm going to do everything I can to make it all up to you."

"You can try"

"That's all I'm asking for because all I can do is try, theres never a one hurdred percent certainty that when this is all over you'll have stopped hating me."

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