Chapter 21

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Catalina POV

When I saw him akala ko si kamatayan ang kaharap ko. The look he gave us was unimaginable. He grabbed me and dragged me towards the open door.

"Andreas, stop it! Nasasaktan ako!!" I pleaded to him.

"Let her go Andreas!" Sebastian warned him.

"Stay out of this. She's my wife I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. Wherever I want with her" Andreas fires back.

" You two stop!" I finally said. "Bash, hope you feel better. I'll call you!" I grab my purse and kiss Sebastian on the check goodbye. I walk out his condo and an angry Andreas followed back.

"You're riding with me!" He yelled.

"No thanks, I drove my car here. I'll see you at home!" He grab my hand and push me towards his car.

"Don't test my patience CATALINA!" He warned. "You have no idea how fucking mad I am right now!" Geez. I get it. Crabby ass.

"Okay." He opened the door for me. In the car he was quite the whole time.

"Did you two have sex or something?" I'm baffled by his question.

"WHAT????!" I crossed my arms. He didn't say anything. Napaka higpit nang hawak niya sa manubela. His jaw is clenching. "Where are we going? This is not the way to the house!!!!" He's going towards our hotel. "What are we doing here?" He's still not talking to me. He parked in front of the main entrance and got out of the car. He came around to open my door. Pag labas ko he grab my hand and gently tagged me along.

"Good afternoon Mr. Torres!" One of the manager greeted him. "Mrs. Torres!" She bowed to me. I stop and it took me a second to realize that his people now knew that I'm married to him. I'm not used to being called Mrs. Torres.

"Just call me Catalina!" Her eyes got bigger but dared not say anything because of the furious Andreas.

"You're my wife so people here will call you Mrs. Torres. Not unless your ashamed of it!" Nag bebeast mode nanaman ang unggoy.

"Then Mrs. Torres it is!" I snapped back.

"Call my assistant and tell her to clear out my schedules today. I have some rebranding to do!" Shit. He's seriously mad. What the hell does he mean by rebranding. Oh boy. I'm in deep trouble.

He punched in his code to the pint house. He let go of my hand so I followed him like a lost puppy.

"Rebranding? What the fuck do you mean by that? Am I some kind of asset to you that I need rebranding??!" I finally broke the silence. "I'm not some property that you can treat as you wish in front of your people, Andreas. I'm your WIFE! In cease you forgot." I got up and face him.

"My wife? Since we came back from Spain you've never been a wife to me and a mother to our children. I can't even talk to you like a normal person because you'll yell or scream right away in front of the kids! What the hell is going on with you , Catalina?" I seriously don't know where this is coming from.

"Obviously you're over reacting. I know how to discipline my children Andreas! Never talk to me like that in front of them ever again!" I pointed my finger at him.

"OUR CHILDREN, Catalina! OUR CHILDREN!" Now he's screaming at me. "There's no day that we don't fight. You're always angry. I tried to make everything easy for you but you don't appreciate anything!!!!!" He grab my shoulder. He made me face him. I see vein coming out from his face. He's beyond angry.

"Let go of me Andreas! You- you're scaring me!" I keep my eyes on him.

"You're scared of me but with Sebastian you act all happy and giggly!!" He's still jealous? I thought we past through that.

"Really??? You're jealous?" I arch my eyebrow.

"I'm not jealous over stupid matter." I was going to say something but Andreas paging system turned on.

"Mr. Torres, Ms. Rose is on line three for you Sir. She said it's emergency!" Andreas step back and press the talk button on the speaker.

"Thank you, Ann. I'll take it!" Wait what???! I went straight to the phone para hindi niya ito sagutin. "What are you doing Catalina? Give me the phone!!" I gave him an angry look. "So it's okay for you to flirt with your ex but I can't talk to a friend who needs my help?!" Call it hypocrisy but I didn't like the fact na these two are still communicating.

"Answer that call and kiss our marriage good bye!" I dropped the phone on the desk and walk towards the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine.

"Hello?!" He answered softly. " Is everything okay?!" He sounded worried. "I hired him personally. He had a clean record." This made my blood pressure boiled. He promised me that he had stopped talking to her and yet he hired her a personal body guard. What the fuck. Now the wine is almost empty. This is making me mad. Madder than him. I look at him but his ignoring me.

"Get of the fucking phone Andreas. She's adult she can figure shit out on her own! Or tell her to find herself a good husband!!!!!" I snapped. He glared at me but I ignored him. I grabbed my purse and walk towards the foyer. Pag dating ko sa may elevator I press the code and then the ground button. Just when the door was about to close Andreas stopped it and grab me.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet!" He lifted me and walk straight in the bed room.

"Put me down Andreas!!" I protested but to no avail.  "You think making love to me will fix our problem???" Tumigil siya.

"No baby, you got it all wrong. I'm not going to make love with you." He unbuckled his pants and napalunok ako sa sinabi niya. "I'm going to fuck you" he whispered to my ears. "HARD!" I saw his jaw clenched.

Keeping His Queen! (HEARTLESS BILLIONAIRE SERIES 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon