Chapter 1

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Winter always was my favourite season, it's cold bitter air nipped at my nose and the snow matted my fur every time I went for a run. It never bothered me that my paws would constantly be soggy or frozen, the crisp white and frozen beauty of it all could always overcome any negative which accompanied the frigid weather.

Snow crunched softly under my claws as I trotted happily through the forest, trees sped past me in a blur of brown and ashy white. My ears were erect and alert for the slightest noise of prey scurrying away from my lumbering wolf. Game was infrequent and scarce at this time of year, but I loved a challenge and the thrill of the hunt was too hard to resist; to stay away from.

Fluffy snowflakes floated like feathers; angelically falling to the ground in a breathtaking scene that made you want to snap a picture. Most wolves enjoyed hunting in a pack, occasionally I liked to as well, but being alone in the woods was my precious time to myself and no one else's.

Slowing my pace to a stop, I crouched until my belly was an inch deep in snow, a hare was 20 yards in front of me; nibbling on a little bush with a few leaves still green, refusing to get the memo it's winter. I could practically hear the sound of hot blood rushing under thick white fur and taste the sweet tang of a fresh kill on my fangs. It was enough for my wolf to try and take control which I never allow her to do and she understands, but on occasion forgets.

"Calm your tits Magara, you're going to scare it away!" I scolded her in my head while pushing her down to keep control; it's like having to keep a floaty underwater, when all it wants is to rise up.

"Sorry Aspen, I just got a little excited, that's all, give a she-wolf a break." She answered obviously annoyed I got mad at her, she always plays the victim.

I felt guilt rise in my stomach for snapping at her, but keeping your wolf in control is very important and I take it very seriously. If the wolf becomes more dominate than the human part inside you than the wolf will gain the ability to push you down and stay in control indefinitely or until it gives you back the reins, either way it is highly frowned upon and rarely happens now we're aware of such events. Also, for females it can get you mated because your inner wolf doesn't understand how to take it slow and will jump any wolf, especially when in heat.

Some people do have the ability to let their wolf take over completely, and are still able to gain control again, however this skill is very rare and requires a lot of discipline.

"Whatever, let's just catch dinner and go home." I said ignoring her attitude, she just wants to cause a scene.

"Okay!" Magara yips perking right back up, that's one thing I love about her is she can never hold a grudge for very long. Neither can I when it comes to her as well.

One day I refused to eat her favourite food deer because instead I wanted to eat my favourite food moose and it turned into an enormous fight about equal rights and fairness. We ended up screaming at each other, which I'm sure other people were confused as to why I was shaking and my face getting red, that we would never speak to each other ever again, but we were only able to give the silent treatment for two hours before we apologized.

My paws moved effortlessly through the thick snow, careful not to make a sound that could startle the prey. Focusing on my breathing, I was inching my way closer with each second, trying to keep my excitement under control so I wouldn't scare off my little snack. Only 12 feet away I stopped, my legs twitched with anticipation and teeth clenched, eager to sink into the soft squishy fur.

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