1.3 - First Day of School

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Aria walked into her first class

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Aria walked into her first class. Already exhausted from dealing with her brother Damon. Slipping into her usual chair - center, a few rows into the back of the classroom, she pulled out her small, black diary out of her backpack and began to write.

Combing her fingers through her hair, trying to get all the stray hairs out of her face while she worked, she suddenly saw a pair of black shoes stop in front of her. Looking up, she gazed at a tall, gorgeous, blond-haired boy, who was staring at her, giving some 'James Dean real-ness': cool, mysterious, wearing a black shirt and leather jacket.

"Hey. Is this seat taken?" The boy gestured to the seat behind her.

"No. Go for it," She smiled nervously. Why was she so awkward sometimes?

The boy began to walk behind her to his seat, "My name's Stefan. I'm new here," Slowly taking his jacket off, he leaned towards Aria.

Aria peered over her shoulder, "Oh. Well, welcome! My name's Aria," she replied, with a smile on her face.

The boy put his muscled arms on his desk, "Thanks. Aria, pretty name," he replied. Aria couldn't focus on anything but his piercing, beautiful, brown eyes.

Aria turned slowly back around, biting her lip slightly. She couldn't tell if she was blushing or not. As  class started, Aria kept peering back to catch another glimpse at this new student,who was writing intently into his leather bound notebook. Aria knew that he wasn't like most boys in this school or even in this whole entire town. He was different and she wanted to know more...


"Hey Em, wait up!" Jeremy Gilbert called back from down the school hallway

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"Hey Em, wait up!" Jeremy Gilbert called back from down the school hallway.

Emily Fields stopped, her hands clutching her books to her chest. She smoothly brushed her brown hair across her shoulder and smiled at her best friend, "Hey, Jer- Are you actually coming to class today?"

"Nah, skipping. Why don't you join me sometime?" Jeremy smiled at Emily. He laughed.

Emily stopped at her locker. She opened it and began to put her books away, "No way. One of these days you're gonna get in trouble, Gilbert," she replied sarcastically.

Jeremy laughed back, and made a "shh" motion with his finger. He rested his back against a locker besides Emily's.

"So why're you skipping class today?" Emily asked, closing her locker and resting her shoulder on the door to face Jeremy.

"Spencer's been really... just annoying lately. I can't really explain it, but I just am kind of avoiding her at the moment." Jeremy replied.

Emily shrugged, "I'm sure you guy's will work it out. You've been friends forever."

Jeremy looked back towards Emily, "I know it sounds cheesy, but I don't think were both really into this anymore."

The school bell rang, Jeremy and Emily both looked up and started to go down the opposite ends of the hallway.

"Well, I have to go to class. Wanna meet up at the grill after school?"

"Sure, Ems..." Jeremy smiled and brushed her shoulder playfully. Emily smiled back timidly. Even if things didn't work out with him and Spencer, Emily would always have a best friend.


After the end of school, Elena rushed down the hallway, relieved that the first day of school was finally over

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After the end of school, Elena rushed down the hallway, relieved that the first day of school was finally over. Still dreaming about the guy that she had met the day before, she wanted to call Ezra back a.s.a.p., but Caroline had told her to make him wait a little while longer.

Gliding down the hallway, squeezing through the end of school traffic, she bumped into a tall man, spilling the coffee out of his hands, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I-" she bent down to the floor, grabbing some tissues out of her back pack. However, she looked up after hearing a familiar, low-sounding voice coming from above her head, "Elena?" Ezra Fitz replied, his face had turned pale with a serious expression.

Elena stood up quickly, "Um... Ezra, what are you doing here?" she whispered, standing up nervously. She pulled a strand of her hair from her face, gathering her books and picking up the fallen debris that Ezra had dropped.

"I work here." He replied. He slowly began to gesture for them to move into a quieter corner at the end of the hallway, "I... thought I mentioned it."

"Well, we didn't really have a lot of time to talk," Elena said, looking back at him with a serious, yet awkward look on her face, "I'm sorry about your coffee," she continued, handing back a wad of damp tissues and a crushed Styrofoam cup.

"Yeah. We didn't really...," Ezra began to reply, but was cut off by another teacher calling his name.

"Go, it's fine," Elena said.

"We should talk later, though." Ezra said, nervously trying to hold himself in one place.

Elena scribbled on a piece of paper which she pulled out from her backpack. She handed it to Ezra and began to walk away, "I have to go. I'll see you later Ezra."

Ezra put the note inside of his pocket and walked in the opposite direction, but kept his eyes fixed on Elena until she was out of his sight.

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