1.26 - Or Else

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"Alison," Emily said, standing frozen in her bedroom doorway

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"Alison," Emily said, standing frozen in her bedroom doorway.

"Hey Em," Alison replied, in her familiar soft yet subtly menacing tone.

"What're you do doing here?" Emily whispered, her eyes darted around her room, she wasn't sure if her mother was home yet, but she couldn't risk anyone finding out that Ali was hiding out here.

"Come on, Emily," Ali answered in a similar hushed tone of voice, "You knew that I would come back for you eventually," Ali began to make her way towards Emily. Unafraid of her former best friend, Emily stood her ground.

"What do you want, Alison?" Emily said through gritted teeth; she was done pretending to be the former "sweet" version of herself, no longer afraid of Alison, or maybe -A, who knows?

"Well that's a scary look, Em..." Alison replied with a sneaky smile, as she slowly walked through Emily's room, picking up random childhood objects, "I need you help," she said, turning around to face Emily.

Emily's eyes widened, "You need my help?" she said in disbelief, "We haven't seen you in a year Ali."

Alison walked toward Emily and put both hands on her shoulders, "I know, and I know you've been getting those texts from -A. I have too, and I wanted to help."

Emily recoiled from Alison's delicate hands as she shook her head back and forth in disbelief. This was the same old Ali, manipulating and preying on people's emotions, only reaching out for help when she thought it could benefit herself. But, she remembered Spencer's plan and reluctantly prepared herself to help Alison out.

"Okay, I'm listening," she muttered back to Alison.

Alison sat down on the foot of Emily's bed and looked down at her laced fingers like a kid who just got sent to detention. "I can't tell you much, Em, but what I can tell you is that people are after me. After all of us. And I can't protect myself any longer." Alison whispered, as she rested both of her hands on her soft, round cheeks, remembering how Katherine's threats after her date with Matt, "Plus, I met someone and I just want to make sure he's safe too."

Emily looked at Ali with a puzzled expression but slowly began to put her arm around her best friend in a comforting motion, "We're here for you, Ali."

Alison rested her head lightly on Emily's shoulder. Even though she had missed all of of her friends while she had been away, Emily had always been one of her favorites, "Thanks, Em."

"We just need to know that we can trust you," she whispered as she looked down at Ali with a more serious expression.

Ali diverted her eyes away from Emily's stare, but then turned to match her gaze with her piercing, blue eyes, "You can."

Emily turned her head and stared at the wall. Why was she always the one who fell for Alison's tricks? She knew that deep-down, Alison had a soft, sympathetic center, a side to her that she only showed to others when she was at her most vulnerable. Sure, the girls were using her to lure and trap -A once and for all, but she wanted to help Ali and rescue her best friend from whatever monster had kept her trapped and hidden away from her home for so long.

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