2.5 - Unforgivable

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Caroline stood in silence in her room as she waited for Klaus to say something

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Caroline stood in silence in her room as she waited for Klaus to say something. But, it seemed to Klaus as if his words could hardly form in his mouth. What was there to say? He had killed her sister. Killed her. She would never be the same again, but thank goodness for his sake that Damon was there to turn her, otherwise he was fairly sure he could never live with himself. It wasn't that he really cared much about Hanna, truthfully, but he cared about anything that could hurt Caroline in any way. She was the love of his life, and he wasn't about to let that go. But, somehow all he could manage was a half hearted, "I'm sorry, Caroline."

Caroline scoffed in a mixture of anger and complete heartbreak. "You're sorry? Seriously, Klaus? You're sorry for murdering my sister?" She shook her head in disbelief.

Klaus paused, "Please love, just let me finish."

But she wasn't about to let him. The emotions were building inside her as she bulldozed over his words. "You don't even deserve me to be speaking with you right now, Klaus, let alone letting you finish."

"Caroline, I know I can never make up for what I did, but please, just let me explain..." Klaus began to panic in desperation, unable to come to terms with losing her.

"Explain what? What is there to explain? I gave you a second chance. Everyone warned me to stay away from you, and this is what happens? Definitely not what I expected, I'll give you that." Caroline's emotional limit finally hit as tears started to flow while she yelled back at him.

"Caroline, I was set up! I never would have done such a thing to Hanna, I thought she was....someone else."

"And that makes it okay? I never want to see your face again Klaus, ever, do you hear me?" The tears were flowing faster now as she shuffled frantically on her desk, gathering all the drawings he had given her. "And you can take back your stupid drawings, and your presents, and you can leave, now!"

Klaus took a step towards her, finding the sight of her tears unbearable, and even more upset that he was the cause. "Caroline..."

Ironically, all she wanted to do right now was hug him and cry on is shoulder, and for a second, she did just that. She crumpled into his chest and he caught her in his arms, comforting her in an embrace while kissing her forehead. She shook her head, quickly realizing what was happening, and snapped back into herself. "No! No, I can't, please, just go."



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