2.13 - Love at First Sight

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"Hey. Um, I'm sorry to bother you but do you know where Room 102 is?" A young girl's voice asked seemingly out of the blue.

Jeremy Gilbert turned around at the sound of a voice behind him, "Um, yeah. It's just down the hallway to the left. I'm actually heading there now," he said as he closed his locker door, "I could walk you there if you want?"

The young girl smiled, "Thanks, that'd be great."

"No problem," Jeremy replied with a slight smile, "I'm Jeremy, by the way."

"Well thanks for showing me around, Jeremy," the young girl responded with a small laugh. "I'm Anna, by the way."

Jeremy and Anna locked eyes. Even though it had been a few days since he and Emily had broken up, he couldn't help but find himself so drawn to someone that he barely knew.

"So I assume you're new here then?" Jeremy asked, he couldn't stop smiling at this new girl that was standing right beside him.

"Yeah, you assume right," Anna smiled back at him. "My mom and I just moved here a few days ago, so I've just kind of been getting used to everything."

Jeremy and Anna reached the classroom and settled into two seats that were positioned next to each other. Setting their backpacks on the floor, they continued chatting before lecture started.

"Well, welcome to Rosewood Falls!" Jeremy laughed, trying his best to sound like a friendly tour guide. "We're a pretty, small, boring town, but it's kind of nice I guess," he continued in a sarcastic tone, attempting to make a joke.

"Happy to be here," Anna said, matching Jeremy's ironically enthusiastic attitude. "I haven't really met a lot of people since I've been here. It's kind of hard being the new girl, I guess."

"Well, if you're not doing anything after school, I'm headed to the Grill to meet up with some friends... if you wanted to join," Jeremy asked, trying to sound cool in front of this cute, new girl.

"Yeah sure," Anna smiled back, intrigued by this cute, new, strange guy. "Text me the the name of the place and I'll meet you there," she said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

Jeremy smiled back, "So, can I get your number then?" he replied.

Anna smiled coyly and took Jeremy's phone from her hand. As she was programming her number in, she smoothly slid her phone across her desk, "Yep. As long as I have yours."

Jeremy smiled back. Both of their eyes met each other's. He took her phone off of her desk and put his number in it, as well.

As the first bell rang and the teacher told all the students to "Settle down," Anna and Jeremy exchanged one last look between one another.

"See you later then?" Jeremy whispered to Anna, trying not to get caught as the teacher had just started their lecture.

"For sure," Anna whispered back with a small wink towards Jeremy.

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