1.25 - Bitter Meetings

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Mona swung open the door after hearing it ring from her seat in the kitchen

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Mona swung open the door after hearing it ring from her seat in the kitchen. The face standing in front of her threw her off guard, it was Tyler. Of course, it had become their usual day for studying, but after what she saw the other night, Mona wasn't exactly expecting him to actually show up. She had no idea how this whole werwolf thing worked, but she was pretty sure that it must have taken some sort of a toll on him. "Tyler, what're you..." She began, a completely puzzled look on her face as she stared back at his clear eagerness for their session.

"What, is it not Wednesday? I'm here for studying, sweetheart. You think I'd skip out on you?" Tyler looked at Mona with his usual cocky arrogance, completely oblivious to the fact that she'd witnessed his transition.

"Tyler, we need to talk about something." Mona began, not sure exactly how to approach this subject delicately. She usually had a problem with being a little too concise, but this she knew was not a matter to blurt out her first thoughts of. "I know why you weren't at our last meeting."

Tyler's eyes grew a little larger, remembering the events of the previous week. But she couldn't mean.... could she? "Oh, yeah, didn't mean to stand you up, just some family stuff came up, you know how it is." He brushed the subject off nervously.

"Well if that's family stuff then you've got quite the interesting one." Mona continued, trying to bring the conversation back to the direction she wanted it to head in. "I saw you, Tyler. I saw what happened. I was there, I heard noises out back and I went searching for you and, well, I don't know what I saw. I mean, I think I know, but it's even hard for me to wrap my head around."

"You what?" Tyler whispered under his breath in almost a panic. "Mona, you don't know what you saw. It was nothing, it's not what you think."

"I'm sorry, you call that nothing? Tyler you looked like you were about to morph into some sort of animal, and I think there's a term for that, it's called a werwolf."

"Mona, you don't know what you saw." Tyler's face grew an even stronger serious expression. Practically no one in town knew his secret, and he intended to keep it that way. As long as no one got hurt, it was fine. "I've got to go." And with that, he turned on his heels and sulked back towards his house in a panic.

"Tyler!" Mona called out after him, but let him walk away, knowing he needed to process this. Just as he was getting interesting.


It was getting close to midnight as Caroline pulled up her driveway, coming home from another extravagant outing with Klaus

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It was getting close to midnight as Caroline pulled up her driveway, coming home from another extravagant outing with Klaus. Things between them lately had been seemingly progressing to a whole new level, although she was still keeping most of the details under wraps from her closest friends, who she knew wouldn't exactly approve. Honestly, she barely knew what she was doing, but at this point she knew she couldn't hide her feelings for him any longer, from him, or herself. As she yanked the gear shift into park, her eyes narrowed at the figure emerging from the doorway. Damon Montgomery. Her blood began to boil as she watched her sister Hanna give him a parting kiss with a wistful, lovesick smile, and he squeezed her hand before he took his steps down the porch towards home.

When Damon first came to town a few years back, Caroline's suspicions were raised almost immediately. Of course, they came to be correct when he tried to compel her to remember his presence in the town, only to be surprised that she herself was also a vampire. She had been turned by Katherine three years ago now when she had wandered through town in search of Klaus. Knowing Klaus' weakness for Caroline, she turned her in a revenge plot to get the cure from him before they ended up taking the same, twisted side, though Caroline preferred to stay out of the loop when it came to those details. All she knew was that Damon's act wasn't fooling her, and the last thing she wanted was her little sister to get dragged into all of this. "Hey, you!" With a determined look on her face, she slammed the car door and headed in his direction. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Damon?" She angrily whispered towards him, not wanting her sister to hear the confrontation she was about to have.

"Well I don't think that's really any of your little business, now is it, Caroline?" He spat back sarcastically, trying to brush off the blonde that had always just rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't have any patience for this now, he had just started to get back Hanna, and now this?

Caroline pushed him into her way, "Of course it's my business, who do you think you are? That's my sister, Damon, and I want you to stay away from her. You are so not dragging her into whatever twisted life you have here in Rosewood; I am not letting that happen. She doesn't deserve this life, Damon."

"Caroline you have no idea what you're talking about, and now, if you don't mind, I'm going home to bed." Damon tried to push his way past her again, but this time, she was much more forceful about getting in his path.

"Stay away from Hanna, Damon. And that's not a suggestion." Caroline growled at him under her breath.

"Or what? Now let's not forget that I've got a little secret of yours that you wouldn't be so keen on getting out now would you?" Damon sarcastically brushed off her threats, "Or, did you suddenly decide to tell your sister you're a bloodsucking vampire, just like me?" He spat, grinning at the look of defeat on her face. "Oh? No? That's what I thought. See you round, sis." He joked, knocking her shoulder with his as he pushed past her for the last time that evening and headed towards home.


Mona was just about to turn off her last bedroom lamp as she heard a small rapping noise at her window

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Mona was just about to turn off her last bedroom lamp as she heard a small rapping noise at her window. She cautiously moved towards it, only to look out and see Tyler throwing small stones below, motioning for her to join him outside. She made her way downstairs, wrapping a bathrobe around her as she went. She closed the door quietly behind her, so as not to wake her step siblings and joined Tyler, who was anxiously awaiting her.

"You were right." He said simply as he gave her an earnest look. "What you saw..." He tried to get out, though it was still difficult for him to speak about it. "You know what I am."

"A werwolf." Mona said simply, unfazed by his nervous behavior. She had spent the last few days thinking about the event, what she'd seen, and what that meant exactly. "And you know what, Lockwood? For once in your life, that actually makes you unbelievably intriguing."

Tyler stood in front of her, taken a little aback at her words. She was okay with this? She wasn't panicking? He expected a full on freak out, but then again, he should have known Mona of all people could process things to a higher degree. "Well, at least I've got something going for me." He shrugged with a slight, nervous laugh, still unable to comprehend her calm nature.

"You know, you might just prove to be very useful." Mona continued, sizing him up for future plotting. "So, tell me more about how this werwolf thing works."

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