1.21 - For Your Own Good

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"So you've been getting them too?" Hanna stared at Mona seriously, holding her phone in her hand as if it was a bomb about to go off. She knew it was time to ask her friend about the –A texts, because for some reason, she had a sneaking suspicion Mona might just be apart of this, but she was sure she was on their side of things. She and Mona had been close since the beginning of high school, especially after Ali's initial disappearance, and it was time to ask her for help. She was so sick and tired of having her life controlled by this unknown phantom person on her phone that she had fully had enough. "We thought we had to be the only ones."

"No, I've been getting them for months now. Always stupid threats telling me what to do, or what not to do, where to go, where to shop..." Mona went on, motioning with her hands in frustration.

"Where to shop?" Hanna laughed at her words with a shake of her head.

"No, not really, I'm exaggerating. This style is all my own." Mona grinned jokingly at her friend smiling back at her. It was amazing that they could smile through this whole ordeal, but maybe that's why she loved hanging out with Hanna so much.

"So you'll help us? We could seriously use your amazing cyber stalking skills, Mona."

"Consider it done." Mona gave her a wink, almost excited to begin her snooping. It was time for revenge, and that was something Mona did best. 


Lost in thought, Hanna walked back from Spencer's house later that evening

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Lost in thought, Hanna walked back from Spencer's house later that evening. The girls had all met to catch up and discuss the latest events, mostly the discovery of vampires in their lives, which was probably just about the biggest thing that had developed yet. Spencer had the hardest time believing the two of them, though for some reason Emily accepted it almost immediately. For some reason, in her mind, it just clicked. Hanna herself could hardly still believe it, and it had taken days for the idea to even sink in. Plus, they had Mona on board now, which definitely counted for something. Aria had wanted to spend the night explaining the story to them in fuller detail, which Spencer was questioning every part of, so Hanna took the liberty to go home and catch up on some sleep, since she had already gone over this with Aria about a thousand times, and no one had to tell her again that vampires existed. She was a full believer by this point.

The sun had just set, so she tried to make her way back home as quickly as possible. Hanna hurried along the dimly lit path back towards her house, but she barely heard a rustle in the branches in the bushes next to her before Damon was suddenly standing directly in her path. She gasped at the sight of him, she hadn't seen him since the incident. "Damon! What're you..."

"I know you said you needed time, and some space but," He interrupted, trying to get as close to her as he could without making her too uncomfortable. "I had to see you, Hanna. I can't just let things go, I --" Damon fumbled for words, the frustration and sadness over loosing his normal life building in his voice. "I missed you, Hanna."

"Damon, don't talk to me like nothing happened, you know what happened, I can't just..." She shook her head, unable to form complete sentences as she took a frightened step backwards from him. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, but she couldn't help but feel slightly afraid of the man standing before her. Or should she say, vampire.

"I would take it all back if I could. All of it. It was a mistake, we can just sit down, talk about it, have a glass of wine, whatever you want to do." He smiled, trying to make her feel more comfortable, but his words only seemed slightly ridiculous in her mind. "Hanna. I would never hurt you. Just please, please trust me."

Hanna stared at him in silence, and suddenly, all she saw was Damon. Damon, the annoying, snarky older brother of her best friend. The guy she had started to develop feelings for. The guy who kissed her and touched her unlike anyone ever had before in her life. She took a few steps closer to him as the confusion overwhelmed her, and a tear began to fall down her face.

She felt her lip begin to quiver, and seeing her breaking down, Damon swooped in closer, and caught her in an embrace. "Shh." He whispered to her as she began to cry lightly into his chest. "I just want to protect you, Hanna. I'm here for you, I promise."

Hanna caught hold of herself, relishing in their closeness, and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his face towards hers. The embrace turned into a deep, drawn out kiss. In the moment, their worries washed away, and nothing else mattered but each other.

But, a thought quickly crept back into Hanna's mind: A. A said she needed to break things off with him, or he was going to get hurt; she needed to leave, she couldn't put him in danger like this. She tore herself away from him almost as soon as the thought entered her head, the tears starting again now as she vigorously shook her head. "No! No Damon, I can't do this! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I can't."

Damon stared at her in confusion, unable to comprehend the sudden change, and reading her emotion as a reaction to him. "But, Hanna..." His tone becoming a little more desperate at the thought of losing her just yet, right as he felt his feelings for the girl growing stronger by the second.

"No! Damon, please, you have to stop trying. Forget about me," She choked on her tears, as she tried to make her way past him to get home. "It's for your own good, please." She begged, looking him straight in the eye before she sped off into the darkness towards her house.

For his own good? Damon thought as he felt himself choking up after the sudden flood of emotions. Now what could she possibly mean by that?

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