1.29 - Can't Lose You

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Damon left their little group pow wow with a worried expression plastered to his face

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Damon left their little group pow wow with a worried expression plastered to his face. "Hanna, hey. Wait up a sec." He called after the blonde, seemingly rushing out of the room as fast as she could.

Hanna turned around with a hesitant glance, thinking she knew what speech was coming from Damon. "Yeah?"

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Damon whispered, getting closer to her and holding her arms as he spoke.

"What, saving my friends, you, and probably myself? Yeah, I think I got this, thanks." Hanna laughed jokingly, and with a shake of her head dismissed the worry in his voice.

Damon, however, was not amused. "Hanna. This is serious. Listen to me, we don't know what this person, or thing or whatever they are, is capable of. I don't want you going in there blindsided and getting yourself hurt." His expression grew more and more frantic with every word he spoke.

"What, because you think I can't handle myself in the situation? Damon, I got along with this problem just fine before you, and I can do this now." Hanna said determinedly as she looked him dead on in the eye. She could handle this situation just fine, and already had enough self doubt for both of them.

Damon began to grow frustrated at her dismissal of his words. "I know you can Hanna, but dammit, will you listen for just one second?" His temper showed slightly as he waved his hands in an exasperated manner.

"What, Damon, listen to what? More about my complete lack of ability to handle myself?" Hanna, on the other hand, was getting slightly ticked with the undertone of his speech.

"Ugh!" Damon let out a grunt of frustration. "You are not getting this."

"Getting what, Damon?" Hanna now feeling his exasperation, moved closer to him with a quizzical expression.

"Fine. You want me to say it? I'll go ahead." Damon sighed before he continued. "I can't lose you Hanna. I've lost so many people in my life, more than you'll ever know, and you are the one thing that is keeping me going right now. I need you, because I am going to completely fall apart without you. You're in my head every second of the day, and the only times I'm living for right now are the ones I get to spend with you. You are the highest and the only priority in my life right now, because you've somehow been brave enough to stick by me, and not just see me for the monster that I am, so no, I'm not going to stand on the sidelines and let the girl I --"

He stopped suddenly, unable to speak the words yet he knew he was starting to feel. It just wasn't the right timing. This wasn't how he imagined it. Then again, none of this was. "The girl I care so much about, to just flounce into battle with some monster completely unprotected. It's not that I don't believe in you, Hanna, I will always believe in you. You have more strength than a dozen vampires put together. It's that I'm terrified of whatever is on the other side of that -A mask. I'm allowed to be worried, and I'm allowed to be protective, because I can't lose you. Not you, Hanna, you mean too much to me." He moved closer and closer to her as he spoke, unable to fully process his words as he said them, and just speaking straight from his gut. He was lost in her perfect blue eyes, and couldn't get himself to look away.

Hanna let a small smirk spread upon her lips before she leaned up towards him to place a passionate and sympathetic kiss on his lips. "Look who's a romantic sap after all." She laughed, whispering as she broke the kiss. "You'll never lose me, Damon. I will always be here for you. Always."


Caroline tried her hardest to sneak out of the house, and she managed to get past her mother, only to find her sister, Hanna, staring at her face to face

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Caroline tried her hardest to sneak out of the house, and she managed to get past her mother, only to find her sister, Hanna, staring at her face to face. Caroline had made up some dumb excuse of going over to Elena's for the night, but Hanna could see right through it in a second. But, since neither of them particularly approved of the other's significant man in their life, she let her sister slide past.

So, here Caroline was now, lying in bed next to Klaus the next morning. She had just woken up to the sounds of him stirring next to her, and he lazily flopped an arm over her body protectively, still half asleep.

"Morning, my love." Klaus murmured in a groggy voice and a half smile as he kissed her back. He kissed her again and again, slowly waking up more as he did so, loving the giggles it was producing from her.

"Stop! Klaus, it tickles." Caroline squirmed with a giant grin, turning to face him and giving him a good morning kiss on the lips to stop his incessant tiny pecks that tickled her whole body. "Good morning."

"You have no idea how incandescently happy I am to have you waking up next to me." Klaus reached out to touch her cheek, sweeping a fly away hair to tuck behind her ear. She was always radiant in his eyes, her blonde hair perfectly askew, the way her body fit into his oversized shirt that was now his favorite because it always smelled just like her. He realized in this moment, he had probably never been quite so happy in his very extended life. She was changing him, for the better.

Caroline snuggled against his chest as he lay back into the pillows, their rhythm of breathing in sync. "Let's run away." She whispered, falling slightly back into a slumber induced state.

"Where shall we go love?" He pulled her closer to him in a protective embrace. "The world is ours. Rome? London? Paris? Paris this time of year would be particularly lovely, I'd imagine."

"Yes, let's go to Paris. Right now." Caroline demanded, touching a finger determinedly to his chest, even more half asleep than before. Klaus was one of the only ones who knew her secret of being a vampire like he was. It was just after he first moved to town, and he was one of the only people there to help her during her transition to her new life. Then, he left her, out of the blue, but she chalked it up to her own stubbornness to let him into her life, and his nerves to actually achieving that goal. She had been foolish then, but now... all she could see is an endless, wonderful future ahead of them. "Let's eat macaroons on a balcony, and drink champagne, and kiss on the eiffel tower." She laughed with girlish charm and fantasy, partially joking as she spoke. "The simple things in life."

"Now that, sounds like heaven." Klaus whispered in her ear. "One day I will take you love, and we will do exactly that." He kissed her on her forehead, and they slept away the rest of their lazy Sunday morning, in one another's arms.

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