2.1 - The Morning After

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Damon could hardly hear the growing sounds of fire engines blaring in the distance, getting closer and closer as the school burned steadily above him

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Damon could hardly hear the growing sounds of fire engines blaring in the distance, getting closer and closer as the school burned steadily above him. He could hardly care if he burned alive, as long as Hanna was safe. He held her weak body in his arms, ignoring the tears that were lightly streaming down his face, and frantically kept pushing his bleeding wrist into her mouth, hoping at least a few of the drops of blood would make it into her system before it was too late. She was practically unconscious now from the extreme loss of blood, but he was hardly going to give up. "Hanna, please. Drink this. You have to drink this, I can't..." He choked before continuing, "How am I supposed to go on without you?" He propped her head up against his chest, waiting and praying for her wounds to start healing. Any second now. "Come on, Hanna." He whispered to her, wanting to scream in desperation.

Suddenly, right before his eyes, her body started to heal itself. The wound in her neck was slowly resealing, the blood drying up, and her bruises disappearing across her body. Damon could barely contain his excitement. He almost laughed as he fought back tears once more, shaking her body with enthusiasm. "See! I knew you could do it, Han." He exclaimed in an almost frantic manner, shaking her body against him. "I knew you could..." But as he shook her, he noticed a giant, significant difference.

There was no more heartbeat. He limply turned her face towards his, only to realize the cold stare of death was looking right back at him. "Hanna, no..." His voice hardly left his body in fear of what he might have just done. It suddenly dawned on him; her body wasn't healing itself, it was transitioning. She was becoming a vampire.


Damon clung to Hanna's lifeless body in his arms as if she was the last person on earth

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Damon clung to Hanna's lifeless body in his arms as if she was the last person on earth. He burst through the front door of his house, hardly taking an extra breath as he sprinted upstairs, placing her carefully in his bed. It was only a matter of time now until she actually awoke from this lifeless coma, and he knew what that meant. He had only a limited time to save her life, or well, afterlife. He needed to find someone fast for her to feed on, and he needed to find them now. He kissed her forehead before bolting out the door and locking it tightly behind him.

In the deserted night streets it was not going to be easy to find a straggler, but find one he did. Some kid, he hardly cared who, was walking alone after dark, and that was exactly what he needed. He hardly wasted a second in compelling him to follow upstairs to Hanna's room, not wasting a second thought on anything but her. He burst through the door, practically flinging the kid out in front of him as he desperately reached her, only to find her eyes slowly flickering open. He let out a sigh as he rushed to her side, smoothing her hair out as she lay on the bed in front of him. "You're awake." He was almost giddy with excitement and nerves at seeing her functioning again.

Hanna took a deep breath, as she adjusted her vision to the darkness of the room. Blinking a few times, she tried to remember the last few hours. She was in the tunnels. There was A, and Klaus, and blood...."What...what happened?" Suddenly, a rush of energy and thoughts washed through her brain. It was as if a million different little lights had gone off all at once. She felt powerful, awake, and most of all, alive. "Ugh, I'm starving." She enthused, sitting up in her bed, but as soon as she caught sight of the boy standing in the room, she heard a strange sound, unlike any other she had experienced. Thump. Thump. Thump. It was his heartbeat. And suddenly, there was only one thing she wanted. "What is happening?! Damon?" She frantically called out to him, grabbing for his arm next to her.

"You need to drink, Hanna. Now." He brought the boy to her, presenting his arm for her to feed on. If she didn't feed, she would die. That was the simple fact, and Damon wasn't about to get this far and lose her now. 

Hanna stared at him horrified and dumbstruck. "What? Damon, I cannot do that!" She shook her head in desperation, though the more she stared at the beating veins in front of her, she could hardly help herself. 

Damon forced the boy's arm at her, knowing fully she couldn't resist much longer. Vampires in transition were practically uncontrollable, and he knew she would be no exception. "Hanna! You need to drink! Stop being stubborn, I'm saving your life."


Hanna had been sleeping for hours now, but he had stayed firmly by her side, pushing himself to stay awake to watch over her

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Hanna had been sleeping for hours now, but he had stayed firmly by her side, pushing himself to stay awake to watch over her. There was no way he was letting anything touch her now in her fragile state. He tiptoed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He flipped out his cell phone, and hesitantly dialed a number, gritting his teeth as he did so. This was not going to be a good call, and he didn't exactly have any idea how to do this.

"What the hell do you want?" Caroline Marin's clearly annoyed voice came blurting through his phone. "It's like 3 in the morning Damon, where is my sister?" 

"She's with me." Damon tried his best to keep his voice calm. "Caroline...." he began, but to no avail. 

"I thought I told you to stay away from her, Damon?" Caroline interrupted, obviously still irritated at him. 

"Caroline..." Damon continued, waiting for her to stop her incessant talking. 

"You are like a trouble magnet, and that is literally the last thing we need more of, okay? I mean what are you even thinking?"

"Caroline!" Damon wanted to scream at her, but had to resort to a hissed shout to not wake up Hanna. "You need to come over here, right now. Hanna's been in an accident."

"What?! What did you do?" Caroline's voice suddenly took on an angry, worried tone.

"What did I do?! I just saved her life." Damon hissed at her, unable to handle any sort of unpleasantries after the traumatic evening of almost losing the girl he...the girl he loved. "Get over here, now. And prepare yourself." He hung up immediately, rushing back inside to Hanna.

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