Chapter 2

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(Remember I don't go to school in the U.S and I don't know how things work so if I have a mistake or something I'm sorry)
Y/N's Pov
I parked my bike in the bike thingy as I pushed my glasses up I looked around and smiled ahh new school year how exiting isn't it!? New classes new stuff..! The only problem that I'm not popular or in any social status well I am and it's the really dorky one where you play board games and shit like that  even though I don't play them people assume I do, I'm 16 years old I'm a senior and I'm a total nerd! Yep that's me Y/n Aron-Rogers  , I like comics and stuff but..I must be boring you okay let's get started!! I walked around carefully for not to be spotted  by Ariana and Demi yeah cheerleaders you get it now am I right? I walked to office and asked my schedule
Ms.Hansen -first period- room 12 building A
I've never had ms.hansen before people say she's okay ..
Dinah's Pov*
I walked threw the hallways to my classroom "yeah have you seen y/n? Didn't see her and she needs her.." I rolled my eyes man first day and already got there targets poor y/n she's to cute to get bullied I set my things on my desk today is going to be a free period cause that's how first days go the bell rang and students or must I say student..walked in she was wearing black skinny jeans and batman converse  with a superman shirt and a grey beanie her glasses nerdy of course i think she felt me staring she turned around and quickly smiled as she showed if her braces , she left her bag on the first desk I front of me as she walked to greet me "hello y-you must be Ms.H-Hansen" she said stretching her hand smiling aww she so cute man! I smiled back taking her hand shaking it "Hello nice to meet you.." She pulled away fast pushing her glasses up "y/n" she looked at the door and quickly sat down hiding her head Demi and Ariana wait y/n she's y/n there gonna bully y/n but she's to cute! I cleared my throat okay she's just your student don't care for her Hansen "Alright! How was your summer?" I said smiling as sitting down no one answered rough crowd I spoke up again a little louder and with a straight face "I said how was YOUR SUMMER" Ariana quickly raised her hand "it was alright" I smiled nodding I glanced at my dorky student she held her head down "y/n how was your summer?" I asked a little softer she looks so fragile I just want to..woah what okay? "Psh why are you even asking her? We all know the answer right loser?" I looked at The random kid I walked to him "up now " he got up fast I should give this kid a poly beat down "I won't tolerate this in my class say that again and you'll fail English and stay here another year understood?" I asked he nodded fast "good.." Y/n stood their looking at me like I was some hero aww her eyes are what the eff is wrong with me?! I can't crush on my student! Besides I have a girlfriend!

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