Your Fish Died - Cute/Funny

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You walked into your room to feed your fish, Nemo, while on the phone with your boyfriend Jacob.

As you went to drop the fish food in, you made a horrifying discovery.

"Nemo?!?!" You shrieked, putting your phone on the counter.

"No! Nemo!" You yelled, causing Jacob to ask what happened.

"Mom! Nemo's dead!" You shouted, causing your mom to come upstairs. You picked the phone back up and sniffled a bit.

"Y/N, what happened?" You heard Jacob ask.

"Nemo died." You cried. Nemo was a catfish that you and Jacob has caught fishing one day, and it was a baby, so you decided to keep it instead of eating it. You've had him for 3 years now.

"Oh. I'm-uh-sorry to hear that?" You could tell Jacob was trying not to laugh.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

"Baby, I love you very much but, Nemo is a fish..."

"Be here in 5 for his memorial service asshat." As you hung up you could hear Jacob start to die of laughter.

"Mom. Can you help me put him in a glass bottle?"

You looked at your mom as she gave you a weird look.

"Yeah. Sure Y/N."

Soon Jacob arrived and you and him walked out to your doc with Nemo in the glass bottle. You had put rocks in it as well so it would sink to the bottom.

"Rest in Peace Nemo." You said as you handed the bottle to Jacob, who kinda stood there and looked at you.

"You gotta say something baby." You tried not to laugh as Jacob gave you a really weird look, before scratching his neck and saying his speech.

"Well. We caught you 3 years ago, you poor, poor fish. All I can say is, it's about time you died." Jacob smiled at you as you shook your head in shame, saying he was an asshat.

"Would you like to do the honors?" You looked at Jacob, who shrugged. You smiled as he threw the bottle as far as he could out into the lake, laughing in the process.

"Come 'ere dork." Jacob wrapped his arms around you as you laughed, knowing you were making a big deal out of your dead fish.

"He was our first born son Jacob, what did you expect me to do, flush him?"

Jacob laughed, shaking his head and kissing the top of my head as we walked back towards my house.

"You're an idiot." He laughed.

"I'm your idiot."

I smiled up at him, giving him a cheesy smile.

"Yes you are." 

(WC: 428)

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now