You Cheated On Him Part One - Sad

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As you were making a, your doorbell rang, telling you that Mikey Smith was at your front door.

Mikey Smith. The guy that all the girls in school, except you, drooled all over.

You thought he was an asshole, so full of himself. But of course, you were assigned to do a freaking science fair project together.

You sighed, opening the door and letting him in.

"Come on. Let's get this over with." You ran up to your room, Mikey behind you and sat on the floor.

While you and Mikey were deciding the measurements for your paper mache volcano, Jacob texted you.


J-Whatcha doin?

Y/N: Nothing. Science Fair Project.

J- Do you want me to come save you from Mikey?

Y/N: Please?

J- Be there in 10 baby. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too!

End of Conversation

"Earth to Y/N. What's 12 times 13?" You rolled your eyes as Mikey asked you the stupidest question in the world.

"Seriously? 156." You rolled your eyes and continued to write out the formulas for the dimensions of the volcano when all of a sudden there was a pair of lips on yours.

Out of confusion, your eyes went wide, and you mumbled against Mikey's mouth and tried to push him off. He pushed you on your back, trapping you on the ground.

"What the fuck Y/N?" Mikey pulled away and you looked in the doorway. Standing there was Jacob with a confused face. His eyes were filled with hurt, confusion, anger, love and who knows what else.

"Jacob. It's not what it looks like. I swear." You begged.

"Oh really? Cuz it looks like you and Mikey were going to town before I walked in."

"Please. Jacob. He kissed me! You have to believe me!" You looked into Jacob's eyes, begging for forgiveness.

"Find a better excuse. That one's overused."

"Jacob. Please! I love you!"

"We're done Y/N." Jacob walked out. Leaving me there, confused, hurt, mad, and a million other things. I turned towards Mikey, throwing all of our papers at him and shovinf him out into the hallway, yanking his arm and dragging him downstairs and to the front door.

"Finish the project yourself asshole! I never wanna see your face again!" You slammed the door in his face and stood there, breathing heavy, before you lost it.

You collapsed to the ground in a heap, sobbing uncontrolably. You couldn't stop the tears from flowing down your face, and you were sobbing so hard you were shaking. Your cries echoed through the house, and you wouldn't be surprised if your neighbors came over to complain any minute now.

You've never felt so much pain in your life.

You love Jacob so much. All these thoughts ran through your head at a hundred miles a minute.

He didn't believe me.

He hates me now.

I'll never smile again.

I'll never fall in love again.

I'll never be happy again.

(WC: 493)

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