Anniversary Part Two

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You climbed up the three below Jacob's window, climbing up to the smallest branches before getting up onto the roof, where your next letter lay waiting for you.


Go to the place I told you I loved you for the first time.



He's never told you he loves you.

Where are you supposed to go?

What are you supposed to do?

*Present Time*

"Maybe I read it wrong."

"Maybe this is a joke."

"Maybe there's a hidden meaning."

"Maybe he spelled something wrong."

With all of these thoughts running through your head you began to stress out. Deciding to just go back home, you carefully climbed down the tree and back down to the ground.

As you opened his back gate a clap of thunder rang through your ears.

Not caring, you slowly walked home. You weren't in a hurry, even when buckets of water began to pour down from the sky, and the thunder seemed to be a constant bang. You had too much thinking to do.

After a long, slow, and wet walk you finally got home. Dripping water everywhere you slipped your shoes off by the door. As you went to turn the light on, a clap of thunder boomed, and they flipped right back off.

Fucking great.

You thought, grabbing your phone and turning on the flashlight.

As you shined the light on the floor in front of you, you noticed something red. Picking it up, you realized it was a rose petal, and there was a large trail of them.

You followed it, and it led to your bedroom. You opened the doors, and gasped at the sight before you.

Your room was filled with lit candles and rose petals, but none of that mattered.

Standing in the center of your room was Jacob. He had on a suit, his hair was in a perfect quiff, and he had a bright smile on his face.

"What's all this? The last letter? What did you mean by-"

"Y/F/N. I know that two plus two is four. I know that the Earth revolves around the sun. I know that the stars are billions of miles away. I know that you are the most beautiful living being that I have ever laid my eyes on. I know that you are the smartest person I have ever met. I know that your laugh makes me laugh. I know that your smile makes me smile. I know that your eyes lighten up when you look me in the eyes. I know your cheeks dimple when you smile nice and big. I know you scrunch up your nose when you smile. I know all of these things. But most importantly, I know that I am truly, madly, and inevitably in love with you. I could go on forever, making up analogies for my love for you, but I won't. There is no equivalent to my love for you. There is nothing that compares. Nothing that could possibly add up to how much I am in love with you."

You looked Jacob in the eyes, speechless, eyes filled with tears, a huge smile on your face.

You felt a lump in your throat. So instead of saying anything, you ran over to Jacob and kissed him, pouring all of your thoughts and emotions in.

As you pulled away you looked Jacob in the eyes and smiled softly.

"I love you too."

From now on, I won't update until each chapter gets at least 10 votes!

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