You Cheated On Him Part Two - Sad/Happy Ending

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Three weeks had gone by.

Three whole weeks.

Three whole weeks of sitting in your bed.

Three whole weeks of your parents knocking on your door, asking if you were okay, knowing that you weren't.

Three whole weeks of constant phone calls and texts from your friends asking what happened.

Three whole weeks of sitting in the Janitor's closet at lunch.

Three whole weeks of sitting in the back of the classroom.

Three whole weeks of avoiding everybody and everything.

Three whole weeks without him.

You're parents have started to worry, but you haven't said a thing. Eaten a thing. Done a thing but sit in your bed. You stopped crying after the first week had gone by. You're tears ducts are probably dried up like a raisin from all the crying.

He hasn't said a word to you. He hasn't texted, called, emailed, messaged, anything. Not one word from him. Which you expected. He hates you now. There's nothing you can do.

Your mom came in about an hour ago, said that her and your dad had to leave for the weekend. You just looked at her, then back at the black tv as she sighed and left the room.

You were shocked as your doorbell rang, not expecting anybody to ever come by your house again seeing as you've refused to answer the door or talk to anybody for the past 3 weeks.

You slowly walked down the stairs and towards the door, opening it to reveal a horrible looking Jacob. It was raining, so he was soaked to the bone and shivering. His eyes were red and puffy, not to mention bloodshot. His hair was everywhere, and it looked like he hadn't slept or showered in days. Smelled like it too.

"What are you doing here?" You croaked. You hadn't heard your voice since Jacob left that night and it sounded horrible.

When he didn't respond you went to close the door, but his hand stopped it and he rushed in, wrapping his arms around you and putting his lips on yours.

You were surprised, never expecting that, and he pulled away, upset that you didn't react.

"I'm sorry. I'll g-" You cut him off by placing your lips on his. He put his hands on your waist and you ran yours through his hair.

"Never leave me again." You whispered as he rested his forehead on yours, catching his breath.

Your eyes were still closed as he rubbed circles on your waist with his thumb.

"Never again. I love you Y/N. So much." He placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, causing you to scrunch it up a let out a soft giggle.

"I love you Jacob. But you stink. Go shower." He laughed, nodding his head and running upstairs to your bathroom. You smiled, walking up and sitting on your bed, falling asleep to the sound of Jacob singing in the shower.

(WC: 490)

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