Birthday - Cute

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"Happy Birthday Y/N!"

You opened your eyes to see that your mum was there, smiling and holding out a small box wrapped in paper.

"Thanks mum!" You smiled, kissing her cheek.

You tore open the wrapping paper, smiling at the box in your hands. She had gotten you the latest Canon camera. You had been asking for one forever, the one you had now was on it's last life.

"I love it! Thank you so much. I love you mum!" Your mum laughed as you gave her a huge hug, kissing your cheek.

After she left you set the box on your dresser so you could start getting ready for school. You showered and brushed your teeth, then put on your under garments.

After leaving your Y/H/C down, and making it look like beach waves, you put on a pair of dark washed distressed skinny jeans, and a cute top.

Slipping on some brown leather boots on your way downstairs you made sure you had everything you needed, phone, homework, wallet, car keys, and your pencil bag.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" You shouted, grabbing your bag and shoving everything in it as you walked out the door.

*skip the drive to school*

As you walked into your first class you sat next to your boyfriend, Jacob.

"Hey babe!" You said, going in to peck his cheek. But he turned away and started talking to his friend, Mark.

Before you could say anything about it the teacher walked in and started class.

All you could think about is what you did wrong.

The next class was the same. He ignored you. So did your friends. It was weird.

It hurt that all of your friends were ignoring you.

Especially on your birthday.

Eventually you gave up trying to talk to them.

At the end of the day you got into your car and tried not to cry as you drove to the store.

You went in and bought a tub of ice cream and whipped cream Seeing as your friends hate you, you're gonna be spending the rest of your birthday alone watching romantic comedies.

What could you have done to make them all so mad at you?

When you got home nobody was home. Which was weird because your mum is usually home before you.

You went inside and dropped your stuff on the kitchen counter, flicking on the lights.


You screamed as people jumped out at you from everywhere.

Everybody was here. Your friends, family, neighbors, everybody.

"Where's Jacob?" You questioned, earning a few smirks.

All of a sudden you were thrown over somebody's shoulder.

"Right here!" Jacob laughed as you shrieked.

Everybody laughed, and recorded, as Jacob carried a giggling you over to the pool.

"Wait, Jacob no!" You half laughed and half screamed.

But, as usual, that never works, Jacob dropped you into the pool, and you came up to see him laughing like a two year old.

"Come help me!" You whined, trying to hide a smile.

You extend your arms out towards Jacob and he grabbed them, allowing you to yank on them and pull him in with you.

"That wasn't very nice!" Jacob whined.

"You did it first!" You whined back.

*Time Skip*

"Bye! Thank you for coming!" You shouted, closing the door as the last person left your home.

"Thank you mom. This was amazing."

"Don't thank me, thank Jacob." She smiled, looking at you.

"I'm going to the basement to do some work."

After she left you turned around, coming face to face with a smiling Jacob.

"Thank you baby." You said, pecking his lips.

"You're welcome." He said, going in for another kiss.

The kiss soon got heated, filled with passion and lust.

Jacob's lips trailed from your lips to right below your hear.

"I just wanna see you in your birthday suit. Take it all off, I don't wanna see you baby in those clothes. In your birthday suit, don't be scared"

You giggled as Jacob began to sing in your ear.

Let's just say...

Best birthday present ever.

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