Fans Are Hating On You - Cute/Sappy

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You closed twitter and sighed.

The hate from Jacob's fans has been getting bad, and it's starting to hurt a lot.

You thought back to some of the tweets.

Why is Jacob even with Y/T/N? She's ugly af!

Y/T/N should back off my man and kill herself

Why does Jacob like Y/T/N? She's probably dating him for his fame. What a bitch.

Y/T/N isn't even pretty? She can go die in a hole.

Y/T/N go kill yourself

How could they be so cruel?

I put my thoughts on hold as Jacob walked in the room, a smile on his face.

"Cameron told me to do this." You looked at him confused before he came over and licked your cheeks and nose.

When you didn't react much Jacob looked at you with concern. Usually you would call him a weirdo, push him off of you and wipe off your face, but you just sat there and scrunched up your face.

"What's wrong Y/N?"

You looked at Jacob, his eyes filled with love and worry.

"Nothing. Everything's okay." You assured him, running your hands through his hair, joining your fingers behind his neck.

Jacob put his hands on the sides of your face, getting you to look at him with him still on your lap.

"You're lying, what's wrong?" You looked down again, knowing you would give in if you looked him in the eyes.

"Y/N, babe, look at me." You looked up, instantly regretting it.

"The fans. They hate me." You tried to hold in the tears, but failed as one slipped out of your eye.

"No. Don't cry. It will make me wanna cry." Jacob's voice hitched as he wiped away the tear with his thumb.

"Don't listen to them. You're beautiful in every way possible. You're perfect to me, and that's all that matters. I love you so so so so so so so so so much, and none of them can change that, okay?" You nodded and hugged Jacob tight as a tear fell from his eye.

"Why are you crying?" You said, wiping his tear away.

"Because I don't like seeing you cry. It hurts to know that someone hurt you and I wasn't there to beat them up." You giggled slightly, kissing Jacob softly.

"I love you."

"I love you." Jacob mumbled into your mouth.

You guys kissed for a few seconds before being rudely interrupted.

"Aww! Is that allowed on YouTube!" You jumped up as Cameron started clicking things on his phone.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas! Get back here!" You screamed, chasing him down the hallway.

Gosh. He was such a child.

(WC: 436)

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora