Chapter 65

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"That was the most stealth weapon" she flipped the next page. Her beautiful eyes went from one word to another.

Finally with soft hands she held the book upright. She wanted to sleep, but her heart and mind were in the story.

"How can words wrap up into such a beautiful story," she mused at the next part. "Do these things happen for real? Are knights' true or fiction."

Almost slothful in her chair, she touched her specs to the right position as they slide down her nose.

With a loose bun, her soft curls fell over her shoulder and back. With one hand she moved the string at the back of her ear while the other hand stationary on the book.

"Veni, turn off the light and sleep now"

"Yes Uncle" she shook her head...

She closed the book with a nice bookmark in between the pages.

Veni was very different from other girls of her age. She could hear and see beyond her human dynamism. She was fourteen when she realised that she can see dead people.

Veni knew no one will believe her, hence she never displayed her hidden aptitudes.

She took off her specs and kept on the study table. "I don't like cold" she paused "people".

She took the quilt over and turned off the lamp. Her biggest weakness became her major strength.

Till she was fourteen everything around petrified her. It wasn't easy for her to understand she has the sovereignty to see and talk to dead people.

It marked end to her fear the day she met a virtuous spirit, who guided her to come out of her fears and how to overcome a debauched soul.

"Not because you are one of them" Veni closed her eyes

Veni had no needs for anything. Born and brought up in England, she never went to another place, nor did she have any reason to see the world.

She never saw her parents. Not even in photographs.

She was told everything got lost in the past due to sudden earthquake, she never believed but she never argued for the same.

She was an epitome of beauty. She was absolute look-alike of her Mother, excluding her brown hair colour.

She didn't had any desire to make friends nor going out on weekend parties. Though she never said no, but because she talks less no one really asks her for her company.

She slept peacefully.


Her hands reached the bedside table to turn off the alarm. Slowly she opened her eyes, then tied her hair in a bun. She walked towards the bathroom.

With almost half opened eyes she picked up her brush yawning, looked at herself "something imprecise in my life"

Ruptured by her thoughts, she took off her night gown, had a quick shower.

She wrapped herself in the towel while checking her clothes in the wardrobe.

"Veni, baby. Your breakfast is ready" Stella knocked at the door

"Thanks Stella"

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