Chapter 66

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There are some things in the world that are intact, unseen or even forbidden.

Veni was still holding the tube to do another experiment when the girls were interrupted

"We have a science adventure activity, if anyone is interested to travel overseas. They should register their names with Ms Kyla"

Emily shook her head "must be boring"

"How do you know, we didn't go last year. All the girls had good time at Zurich" Veni poured the liquid into another little tube

"Wow, nice blue colour Veni"

Veni studied in the convent since childhood. She never talked to any men in her life except Kaka and Manohar. Without giving much heed to the announcement Veni washed her hands near the basin.

"You can ask your Uncle"

Veni knew it was useless asking  them for her trip because they would just not let her go.

"We must go this time Veni, I always feel we are just surrounded in our little worlds"

Emily carefully typed all the report

"I know Emily, there are many countries on this earth. But I don't want to ask when I know the answer" Veni updated her report when her eyes fell on the tube.

Shocked at the sight, she took off her glasses...

"How's this possible?" Emily asked astonished

"I don't know Emily, I am pretty sure I did this right"

The colour changed from blue to purple then to black.

Veni watched the liquid coming out in bubbles, she put on her specs...

"What are you doing Veni?"

"Trying something"

Emily knew Veni was far more than intelligent when it comes science experiments. But she had never seen this before. She watched Veni carefully mixing liquids from one jar to another. After few minutes the colour changed back to blue.

Veni adjusted her specs "see, its back in place"

Emily smiled at her "I know, you're a genius"


Kaka was still thinking a way out. He would not let Veni leave England but then it was important for her to sign the deal.

Kaka had already requested the company to send the papers, they were reluctant too. Kaka finally after a lot of thinking came to a conclusion.

Veni almost finished her soup "Goodnight Kaka"

"Veni, I wanted to talk to you about something important"

Manohar looked at Kaka...

"Sure Kaka, what is it?" Veni sat back in the chair.

"I know your studies are in between, but it's only a matter of five days."

Veni listened to the old man, who seems to struggle for words.

"You will have to go to Mumbai to sign something important" Kaka looked hesitantly

Veni smiled with a nod "no worries Kaka, let me know when you want me to go"

Manohar watched Veni sauntered towards her room "I hope nothing happens to her."

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