Chapter 70

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His hand touched her burning cheeks while his thumb traced her soft lips.

For next few seconds she felt her body giving up, but to her surprise he stopped and pulled away.... he was about to leave when she hold his hand...

"Prithvi...I, I have never felt like this before" she looked up in his eyes and hold his hands in hers...

He touched her cheeks again "I know...but I want you to rest now"

He was about to leave when she pulled him closer and enclosed her arms around his neck. He looked at her. "Veni...what is"

He was about to complete when she placed her lips on his....


An electric current ran down her body. The only thing she could feel at that time was his lips that was the most pleasurable experience she ever had before. As if she was dying one hundred times. Her Heart beats were beating in her ear.

His hands squeezed her soft arms. His touch has already been tormenting her ever since she met him. But this was making her senseless, she needs him now or she will die.

She closed her eyes and tightly embraced him in her arms not leaving him even for a second...

She never knew when the kiss turned into passion and drew her closer...he caressed her arms and shoulder. She knew there was no turning back from here.

The moment he kissed her neck and throat, she slide down the bed pulling him closer and completely submitting herself to Prithvi....

He stopped and looked at her...she ran her fingers into his hair. She opened her eyes "what happened?" she whispered...

"Nothing" he whispered back and she pulled him closer.

He pushed her on the bed and nibbled on her neck...

Thunderstorm and lightening engulfed the whole place. As if something malevolent would happen....

She opened her eyes at once, this was the biggest tremor in her life... she pushed him away and opened the door to rush out.

In last past one day she didn't realise this but now her body shivered with fear. Fear of the demon around him.

She was stuck. This was definitely not any island. The moment she peeked out of it was all dark.

She tried to hide herself under one of the trees and cried out. Her fate brought her in the mouth of an ace.

Veni didn't knew about her intellects only until today when she could see the real side of Prithvi. He was definitely not human, she touched her neck. Hopefully there wasn't any blood as she had imagined.

She had to find out a way to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Her mind reeled back now. When she was sitting in the plane, she was with many passengers but then why was she left isolated. And then Prithvi came to save her

"No, he came to kill me but I was a fool" She said to herself.

She has to shield herself and get out of this place. She kept on walking in the forest when her eyes fell on the little light. She walked carefully towards the light.

"Anybody there" she knocked at the little door... scared to death she was sweating thinking the demon might not come after her.

She heard some footsteps approaching near the wooden door.... a petite figure appeared in front of her... "Yes?"

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