Chapter 71

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Eternity passed since she was inactive on the bed wondering what would happen with her life...why was she apprehended at this place and who planned to ruse her. All these queries were baffling her. She had no inkling where she was and what these people were doing to her. Veni pressed tightly to herself because of the dread and cold.

She was still discerning when some noise erupted in her ears from outside. The noise was not less than shatter. She dared to get up and peek outside.

As she opened the door to step outside she heard a loud noise of someone screaming...fear almost stuck her throat occupied by the dreadfulness that almost stopped her feet where she was.

Finally it took her few jiffies to build up a little pluck and she ambled a few more steps to peep down...she held the iron bar of the arcade and looked down...

Terrified with the scene she saw, she had to put her hands on her mouth and cover her nose to avoid the bad smell.

She was cautious not to make any sounds that can divert these demons to look up at her... there were more than hundreds of demons standing in front of their king. They looked scary with sharp teeth and red eyes. Her eyes scanned the whole area to find out what was happening and what this smell was?.

She tried to lift her hands from the iron bar when she felt her hands almost twig badly with her fingers.... "Yuck" she said to herself

She looked at her hands sticking with a white liquid lace kind of thing. She almost wanted to throw up... "what the hell is this" she said to herself getting up to move back to her room when her feet was sticking to the surface...unable to even grasp the site in front of her eyes she shrieked out...and fainted...


After Few hours

She opened her eyes to find herself on the bed, immediately her eyes fell on her hands and feet... they were not sticky anymore. Relieved she took a deep breath...

"Wondering what was that?"

She turned around at the strong voice... "Must be something filthy like you" she retorted irately

Prithvi sneered at her "you've said enough" he came closer to her

Angrily she snapped at him "get away from me"

Instead of going away he came more closer to the beautiful face...his hands reaching the back of her neck and pulling her hair making her look into his eyes "not even in your dreams Veni" he whispered coming closer to her lips...

She tried to fidget but he kept gazing at her....she looked into his eyes. He looked absolutely like a human one could make out that he's not a human actuality...

She was drained of her life "I want to go from here Prithvi"

He pushed her away "don't even think of running from here." He flared as he left the room...

Not getting to anywhere she sadly hide her face in her hands and cried bitterly. Her life seemed on a halt. There wasn't even a single way to sneak out of this place.

Veni had no clue who was Prithvi and what did he actually wanted from her, her identifications, astuteness was failing in front of all the enigmas.

She closed her eyes and never knew when sleep took over...

Her life itself had become the biggest conundrum. Every second she recalled what all had happened with her. She peeked outside the window when she saw some hills. This was unquestionably a changed place. Her sentience twirled as to how did the place transformed or did someone pick her up and brought her to another place.

A Dangerous Love Story (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora