Chapter 73

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Veni screamed aloud, her eyes scanned the room. Everything looked so dissimilar, she saw herself lying on a bed covered with a white sheet...a drip on her left hand, a little glucose bottle hanging...few machines by her sides... what was that, she confusedly glanced around. Her mind squirmed. Was she in some dream or did she finally come out of a dream ... everything seemed so different...

There was a huge window...but it wasn't the same... and the room was quite smaller indeed...

She was about to get up when a lady in white uniform came with few medicines...

"Veni! It's unbelievable" she smiled at her...

Veni frowned but the lady helped her settle in the bed "I am your nurse...please rest Veni"

"My Nurse..." Veni repeated

Veni unceasingly observed the nurse who was now checking her pulse and blood pressure... Veni couldn't speculate the whole damn thing... how come she landed into this hospital? She was with Prithvi...but where is Prithvi?

As if she had just come from a mysterious place or has she just landed into reality...

"How did I came here?" Veni queried

She gave two tablets and a glass of water "have will help you with any pains"

Perplexedly she picked up the tablet and gulped the water down her throat...

Veni was utterly mystified about her whereabouts, even eliciting the whole thing became so difficult.

She was kind of forgetting the place she was in but one thing that she couldn't forget was Prithvi.

Her heart and mind constantly thought about him... so many questions meandered in her brain...why is she here now? How did she came back to this world? What has happened to her?

She looked at the ceiling, why did this transpire to her. This was something out of mortal authenticities...even if she tried to tell anyone.

Firstly they won't believe, second they would consider her mad. but only she knew she has faced this acrimonious reality in the past days... but her mind relentlessly went backwards...she couldn't forget his handsome features... his passionate touch... his attractive voice... she closed her eyes thinking about the devil....

" child" Kaka opened the door and walked in...

Veni smiled a little...she was happy to see Kaka and her Uncle

"Uncle how did I come here...and" she was about to complete when they heard

"Please let her rest" said the doctor...

Without asking anything she closed her eyes... Veni felt drowsy because of the medicines that she took before...


The car stopped in front of the big house... slowly she held the door and stepped out...

Veni looked at her house and tried to walk slowly with the help of her maid Stella. She knew now that was in a different world, a world of danger...she was ultimately relaxed after coming back home but deep inside her heart she missed him...

Stella helped her lay on the bed and covered her nicely with the blanket... "Call me if you need something"

Veni nodded...

After few minutes she tried to recall what was happening in her life. How did she land in the hospital and was that a dream. So many questions were making her mad.

A Dangerous Love Story (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ