Chapter 67

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Veni almost stopped chewing...

"Atlantic Ocean!" she purred taking a deep sigh at where and how she has landed here.

She couldn't eat anymore. Feeling lethargic due to the entire incident, not to forget the injury on her foot. This prevented her to walk anywhere. Unable to see any way out, a feeling of feebleness surrounded her.

Veni couldn't focus her eyes on his boat because of the tears blocking her vision. Sobbing won't help, it never did, her life wasn't on cessation, not a single way to go, and how will she contact her Uncle back in England.

Continuous imaginations were hitting her. Lastly she cursed herself for sitting in the plane.

"You didn't eat" Robby saw the sandwich kept on the side. He adjusted his hat

"What will you do here?"

Veni crossly composed him, "you don't look one without the brains, do you?"

"What?" Robby widely opened his eyes at her.

For the first time in her life, she got furious that too, over this sailor. Who instead of helping her out, was asking her what will she do

"I am planning to order a pizza for you want some" sarcastically she glared at him

He smiled a little... "No thanks"

Something clicked Veni "how do you contact your family?"

"Hmm, I don't have any family"

"Oh, so no means of communication?"

He put his hands in his pocket "well, no"

She stared at him from top to bottom, when the thunderstorm occupied the grey clouds. Soon pouring them with sudden rainfall.

"I will go back to my boat" he started running

Her mouth dropped open at his gesture. "Moron"

"Stop cursing me under your breath" he turned around

Another instance he came closer and lifted her in his arms...

She shook her head, the grimaces soon vanished when her eyes fell on the damp hair falling over his forehead. Rather unknown, but familiar emotions ran down her body.

She felt his hands around her waist and under her knees...why his touch makes her feel so different as if he's thrown some magic charm around her.

He had strong features with masculine body. No wonder he was extremely handsome, she could feel his strong muscles on her body.

Quickly he made her sit on a chair in the boat...while he was leaving his hands off her brushed against her bosom making her close her eyes.

It was the first time a man touched her...her heart pounded aloud.

"You can wear this" he handed her a t-shirt

Out of a sudden she pulled back a little

"I don't like red" she pretended to get angry

"Then give it back" he scowled "you are not shopping"

Without saying anything she walked to the nearest door... "This doesn't have a lock?"

"Don't worry, I won't come in" he shouted

Veni glanced around the boat. It was big...she saw a kitchen, two adjoining rooms. She saw him picking things around in his little kitchen...on the outside the deck was all covered with a parabola. Everything was unique in the boat. The chairs, tables that had big drawers. Such a big ship and he was the only one in it. He can't just be a sailor.


"Sure" she smiled a little

She saw him boiling the water in a small kettle. Then pouring the water in two cups. With small tea bags.

"Thanks" she took the cup. She watched him sitting out on the bench...he was attractive. As if carved very carefully. With his striking eyes he glanced at her.

She at once looked away. Veni cursed herself for gazing so seriously at some stranger.

"So, where will you go now?" he took off his wet shirt, squeezed it to take the water out.

"Can't say anything now" she watched him putting his shirt on a little table, then putting on a new one.

"Do you like sailing?"

He looked up at her "yes"

"Quite isolated from the world. Don't you think so" she had the last sip, then kept the cup on table.

"I like travelling by sea"

Veni observed him from top to bottom...he doesn't look like a seaman though. The way he moves, picks up things, talks and does all other stuff there was a glance of royalty reflecting through his ways.

"Where do you live?" Veni keenly gave a sharp look around the big boat.

"Island" he replied casually picking up the dairy from the drawer of the table

With raised brow her brain constantly threw around on the same question – he was absolutely weird, mysterious and little careless in attitude but not to mention he was extremely gorgeous like some prince.

He lives on an island, very unusual she thought.

She on no occasion developed such a keen interest in any of her books as she did in this man, why does she want to know more about him? His eyes seem drowning her in his world...there was something about him.

"Robby, is your full name?"

"You ask lots of questions, isn't it" he glanced a little at her exquisite features. His one glimpse was enough to pull her from all her worldly thoughts.

Least interested in the conversation he picked up the pen and started scribbling.

So he didn't wanted to talk. That was clear. Veni was now wondering if this island man would be able to help her out or does she have to find her way out herself. Well everything was absolutely new to her.

She was like a little baby who had just learnt walking. Anguish, she closed her eyes briefly, then looked up in the open sky and felt like shouting on top of her voice.

Slowly she opened her eyes, it was late evening...she had slept on the deck.

Not realising her injury she tried to get up...a sharp pain felt on her foot. "Ouch" she screamed in pain...

"Veni, you're ok?"

She looked up at him, he was wearing a suit... "Yes, thanks. You're wearing suit?"

That made very clear, he was not an ordinary sailor. Why would he change clothes, so many questions were getting on her nerves now.

He smiled at the confused face "home time"


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