Prologue. No, Author's Note

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Well , welcome to the first book of this new series . I feel very honoured to write this book and hope that people will read it . The inspiration I got to write this book was from a book titled 'The Power of Six' , a tale on people who have abilities in hope that they will not be caught by monogorins, their hunters. It made me think of naming my book 'The Door Past Reality' but it sounded too common to me. The tale of capture features a group of ten people with remarkable abilities crash land in earth and are faced with being hunted  by police but if are found could face a death sentence. If you want to find out more, read the book.                        PLS. I have copyright infringement so you cannot steal this!    Enjoy this wonerful series and I hope it entertains my fellow audiences.   Attackinanime😋

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