13 Mered: Sparkling in The Yellow Dress

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"So, how do you like it?"

I take a glimpse in the mirror and I'm frozen in utter shock. The dress is long and a nice bright shade of yellow. It's flows beautifully  at the bottom and has a pattern on the top half.

"I've never seen anything like it."

"Dude, you had that in your closet?"

Lucas is the only one not astonished.

"I can also do your makeup and hair for the dinner, if you want?"

"Ah, thanks.",I mutter under my breath.

Maybe Jeffrey is a good guy?

"Um, I think borrowing this dress from you is kind of desperate?"

Jeffrey glances down at me in seriousness.

"No, I'm your friend. You can borrow anything you want. I have also some necklaces and bracelets to wear."

"Dude, you're seriously weird."

"It's because many people ask me to wear things they don't have , so I come prepared."

"Thanks Jeffrey. I'll return the dress as soon as it's over.", I say, cutting the conversation between him and Lucas.

"I also have a tux for Lucas."

Lucas rolls his eyes.

"Hey, show some respect."

"Whatever you say."

"Is he always like this?"

"Majority of the time.", I chuckle.

"Hey, let's head out to lunch. The money's on me."


The city here is really nice.

We walk into a South American restaurant a few blocks from the hotel. It has a great venue as it is with red dining chairs  and great big tables to hold a lot of seats. Moi bien!

When we get our order, Jeffrey silently motions to Lucas to sit on his side of the counter.

It's a very awkward meal.

"So... How's life?"

"Everything's fine."

"Why'd you tell Lucas to sit with you?"

"No reason."

There is something they're hiding and I really want to find out.

"Does Jeffrey trust me?"

"Is Lucas a secret traitor?"

So many questions race through my mind.

It's a silent ride  when we get back from  the restaurant.

We say bye to Jeffrey and we take the elevator to our room.

I feel the need to start a conversation.

"So.. What did you and Jeffrey talk about?"

Lucas looks at me with a perplexed expression.

"Just things in life and such."

"Really... Um there wasn't anything else? No other discussions?"

I knew Lucas was too smart.

"Where are you getting at, Mered? If there's anything you want to say, spit it out."

"Alright. You and Jeffrey  have been speaking secretly for a while so I want to know what you guys are talking about."

He laughs at my brief confession.

"That's all."

"Yeah. Pretty much."

"We were just talking about the ball coming up. You know? What were gonna do and stuff."

But just not smart enough.

"I know you guys were not talking about that. Come on, spill."

" I already told you."

"Your lying. Tell me. I'm a 'Specie' too, right? I deserve to know."

His face turns a bright shade of red.

"Look, it's none of your concern, alright."

"Your face is red."

Which in turn makes his face more red.

"Please tell me."

"It's better if you don't know. You put your nose into too many things."

That shuts me up.


We're quiet until we leave the elevator and enter our hotel room.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthWhere stories live. Discover now