15 Short Story; Time Couldn't Tell

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Author's Note:
Thanks for all those views, they're even past 80 of them! Now let's get to that story you all deserved. -Attackinanime 👏

My heart is racing.

I don't think I can run for much longer.

I stumble a bit, slowly. But gradually, I finally make my way up on top of a high cliff.

Looking overhead at the horizon and feeling the steady whistle of the wind, I say my final prayers.

I can't survive as a 'specie' for much longer on this earth. It's too frustrating.

With the police tailing after you every time and knowing I have to keep living in hiding, there's no way I'll enjoy life.

Will dying solve things?

From the cliff , I measure how long the fall would be. From the cliff into the pile of rocks below, it would definitely cause a great impact, I might break a few bones, or even split my head open.

Enough to kill me.

Just as I'm about to breathe my last breath-

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A few shots are fired from behind me. Four shots missed, but the fifth one is aimed right into my left shoulder.

I cry out in pain.

My vision is blurred, but I can see, what looks like policemen, are running towards me . I get lifted into a vehicle and I'm being driven away from the cliff.

I'm bleeding heavily at this point. I might as well die behind the vehicle.
Actually, I was hoping too. I know there's more pain up ahead.

My vision has cleared, but not my fear.

They haul me into a closed facility, far away from any police station I know. The place looks like a prison, but there are no living people.

As I'm being hauled in a stretcher, I'm passing by cell after cell. There are rows of dead bodies in cells, rotting.

The stench causes my nose to run. I'm assuming these people were 'species'. It scares me even more. I wanted to die.

But not like this...

"We've got another 'specie', Captain, but we shot her and she's giving no answer or response since we captured her."

The captain is a tall man, about 6'0 tall. He's wearing a long white coat, resembling a doctor's coat.

"That's alright. I'll force answers out of her."

That doesn't sound good.

I'm carried and placed inside a metal cage , tall enough for me to stand in but  right next to it is a table of weapons and utensils, possibly used for torture.

"Hey little pumpkin, how are you?"

I don't respond.

"Not feeling well? You should be. Today your going to tell me everything I need to know."

No response.

The captain turns to one of the officers on duty and whispers to him.
The officer brings a weapon forward.

I swallow.

The captain continues to reassure me, like I'm a two year old.

"Everything will be fine, if you tell me what I need to hear. If that happens, no one gets hurt."

My lips are sealed. I want to talk, but I can't. If I don't talk, I die. If I do talk, they experiment on me and I'll still die.
It's a lose-lose situation.

I finally decide to talk.

"Look, I protect my kind. You don't need to know anything!"

The officer hisses.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't  you?"

The captain suddenly changes expression, from the kind, reassuring captain to a scary, murder captain.

"Tell me now!"

"What do you want to hear?"

"You know what I want!"

"You're wasting your time. I'm not going to say a word."

He motions to the officer to get a sharp-looking dagger from the tray.

"You really want to die?"

"I was actually in the middle of suicide before your guys shot me. I'm going to die anyways."

He motions to the officer a cross.

The officer brings out his pistol and shoots about 8 times.

It's painful, but I don't feel it that much. I can't feel my hand or feet. Everything's already going black.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthWhere stories live. Discover now