8 Lucas: He Could've Told Me

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How is Jeffrey still alive? I'm shocked. I thought he got killed in the explosion, the explosion in our school for kids who are exceptionally gifted. The blast killed a lot of kids. And I thought Jeffrey too.
"What's bothering you, Luke?"
Ugh. I forgot Mered was here.
"Don't ever call me Luke, EVER."
"Alright , alright. Take a chill pill."
"That's my line."
I couldn't help it, but I started smiling. Not because of the comment , but because I was free. From bullies, from school and from society. I could finally not worry about that and live a normal life.
"Lucas, you seem tired."
"So , what do you suggest I do?"
"Um, so aren't you going to sleep in the bedroom?"
"No ,I'm going to sleep on the streets. Of course I'm going to sleep in the bedroom."
It never fails to amuse me. I've got to keep this up.
"Hey Lucas, we should eat out. I haven't eaten since the yesterday we came to this house."
"Do you have money?"
"Well, some on me now. "
"So go."
"But, I thought you'd wanna come too?"
"No, you go."
"Lucas... You don't have to be depressed."
"I'm not depressed! Why does everyone think I have problems? I'm perfectly normal, and me being a 'specie' is not included. "
What's happening to me? Am I paranoid or something? All this stress is getting to me.
I dash upstairs to my room and slam the door. I don't need to talk to anyone right now.

"Hey." I'm half asleep , but i can hear Mered talking.
"I brought leftover food from the diner, if you wanted any? But anyways ,eat when your hungry, okay? I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I didn't mean to say you were depressed. Your just always cold towards me , so I thought you hated me.
Mered closes the door , I awaken at the smell of food left on my bed and stare at it. A hamburger, two poached eggs and salad, staring right back. My stomach is growling. Mered's right. I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. And then, i suddenly start eating, no , inhaling the food. I bring out a notepad and board I packed and set them aside. I finally knew what was my plan. If there are anymore 'species' like Jeffrey, I was going to find them.
"Hey, hands behind your back! You're under arrest for treason and you are wanted by police. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law..."

I suddenly wake up in a cold sweat. No 'specie' would want to have a nightmare like that.
"Lucas, wake up ! I'm hungry. We've got to start buying groceries. We can't survive on diner food."
"Do we seriously have the money for that?"
"Then we can get jobs-"
"No we're not living as normal human beings. I don't know about you but I ran away to survive. I don't think you remember but we're wanted by police."
"But we can't just live in fear?"
"We're not normal, were 'species of the North'. We can't go shopping, can't do many things and live comfortably. It doesn't work that way. We're going to continue hiding, until the police forget about us. Which would probably be never."
"What about your mom and sister?"
"What about them?"
"I mean, don't you miss them? I wonder how worried they are?"
Now that I think about it, I never really thought about them, but they don't care. They're probably not looking for me.
"They don't care."
"Yes they do ,Lucas. They came to visit you in the nurse's office when you hurt yourself ."
"No they didn't , they were forced to. What do you know? You don't even have parents-" I immediately regretted what slipped out of my mouth.
"I was just trying to help. Cut me some slack." She runs out of the room and locks herself in the bathroom. What have I done? I know I can be mean, but I'm not like that. Honest.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I never-"
"Did you mean that?"
"Did you mean what you said if I even had parents?"
"Of-of course I didn't. I mean I wouldn't say that, it was accidental. A foreign slip of speech."
"You know, me being in a foster home, I kind of had parents. Does that count?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
Man, I hate this. Apologizing to a girl, Mered.
"I'm really sorry ,I take it back. I didn't understand your hardships and I think I've been really mean. It's just cause-"
"It's okay, I accept your apology."
The click of the bathroom door unlocks.
"Now why don't we go to the diner, Mered. I'll go this time, I'm starving."
She laughs at my comment and we head on out to the diner.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthWhere stories live. Discover now