9 Mered: Are We Gonna Use The Car?

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The waitress approaches us with two order sheets.

"So , may I take your order?"

She looked like she was forced to work as a waitress.

"I'll have a hamburger and a salad ,please."

"What about you, young man?"

Lucas glances at the floor, then at the waitress.

"Um, maybe fries and a corn dog."

"Okay drinks?"

"We'll both have a soda, thank you."

The waitress jots everything down on a notepad and walks away.
Lucas furrows his eyebrow.

"How'd you know I'd want a soda, what if I wanted water?"

"Lucas, you don't have to be picky?"

"I'm not being picky, it's just you spoke for both of us instead of you."

"Well most teenagers like pop."

"I'm not most teenagers."

"Alright, they give out free water bottles at the entrance, you can have one."
How can he just start acting like a child?
The waitress comes back with our food. Then she glances at both of us.
"That'd be $14.35, by the way, you guys fight like a husband and wife. I heard you all the way from the kitchen."
"I wouldn't even consider it!", we both shout at each other.

"So do you like the soda?", I ask Lucas.

"How weird are you?"

"Ha, I don't know. Are you gonna eat that?"


Lucas hands me his fries and I start munching on them.
"You don't eat that much , do you Lucas?"

"No, I'm kind of a picky eater."

"Is that why you're so skinny?"

"How dare you.. I'm not really that skinny?"

"Yes you are , I can see most of the veins protruding out of your skin."

His face turns blue as he rolls down his sleeves.

"What about you, chubby rabbit?"

"I'm not chubby!"

"Yeah you are. "

"Hmm.. How judgemental."

We leave the diner and start waking home. It's nighttime and the temperature seems to drop, a little past 4 degrees.
I shiver a little , Lucas glances at me in annoyance.

"If you know it's gonna be chilly at night, bring a jacket."

He takes off his hoodie and wraps it around me.
"Thanks , but you're gonna be cold."
"It's a simple act of kindness, accept it."
And I do.
When I wake up , it feels empty. I glance at the opposite bed. Lucas isn't there. But his bed is done neatly. When I look beside my bed, there is a jacket on top of my suitcase. He probably left it there.

After yawning and stretching, I walk downstairs and search the kitchen and living room for Lucas. Maybe he's taking a walk. But my locket is glowing faintly. The town is pretty small, so after walking a few blocks, I spot Lucas. He's walking up into the forest and I run and catch up with him.

"What are you doing here?! What, following me?"

"No , well , you weren't home , so I thought you disappeared."

"No, I just took a walk. I spotted a deserted car here, so I wanted to use it for transportation."

"You drive?!"

"I'm 18, already have my license. What, you wanna drive too? I'm afraid not now, missy."

He's back to his usual self.

"The car is a little rusty, but otherwise in perfect condition. A paint over or two is good."

I'm not sure, Lucas doesn't look like a responsible driver. I'm imagining a series of explosions as we blast past the police and crash through windows. Scary.
"For in case-"


My eyes divert to an old man in a brown sheriff uniform and a rifle in each hand.

"What are you kids , doing alone in the forest?"

Oh shoot.

Lucas grabs me and we dive behind some nearby trees.

"Come on out, you two. You can't hide forever."

He sends a gunshot, blasting into the air. He's mental.

"We've got to go ,now", Lucas whispers, his hands wrapped around my torso.
"Are we gonna use the car?"


We hear the footsteps of the sheriff walking closer , towards us.
My breathing is heavy. Lucas put his hand over my mouth.
He grabs my hand , and we hide behind the next tree, close to us.

"Oh , you kids are good. But thats what annoys me. Are you really ready to say some last words? "

At this point ,the car is right next to us.
"Hurry, get in.", I hear Lucas , whisper behind me.

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