3 Mered :A Yet Unseen Encounter

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When I suddenly hear someone is hurt, my locket starts glowing faintly , as if to signal something. I quickly hide it inside my cardigan and follow it . I take a few steps into the hallway and my locket glows brighter. It becomes a little less easier to hide . When I finally stop , i look up and I'm in front of the nurses office. At this point my locket is beaming through my cardigan and I quickly hide it in my hands. What's going on? As I hide behind the blue walls , I overhear adults talking. "Lucas has sustained a black eye and a sprained arm, you need to get it checked out, it's alright, we're going to find who did this to your son." So it's the boy from the morning that got hurt. I actually feel a tiny bit happy, he was a little rude, he deserved it. That's what I heard in my head. As my locket grows dimmer , I peer through the little window and see a grown woman and a little girl. I'm assume it's Lucas' mom and sister. She has dark brunette hair just like her brother , skinny too. As soon as the adults and the little girl leaves. I walk into the room casually , as if I was getting bandaids. "Why are you here?". That rude tone of voice fills the whole room. "I'm just getting bandaids, but must I say what a nasty bruise you've got there", I respond. "That's none of your business. By the way, bandaids are not in this room , their in the nurses office, better hurry along". "Why?, I'm just returning the favour,remember, when you helped me you said I should've at least returned the favour? , so I'm just seeing if your okay. Geez , how rude." I immediately feel bad. Even though he told me to return the favour , I told him that I wasn't going to thank him, I just imagine a good deed going to waste.  "I'm kind of sorry I didn't thank you this morning , for helping me when I fell." I hesitate as I spoke.                               "Honestly I don't care. If I see something wrong , I don't let it pass. You should be glad I helped, it's just a reflex to me."   Okay, now he's just being proud.                                                      "I get it, but I'm just saying sorry, okay?" With that , I quietly walk out the room. Just then , a young girl I've seen in my class walks in. She looks me dead in the eye and whispers to me. "I see Lucas is bothered. Please don't bother him, got it?". I signal a 'yes' and frantically escape the room. What was that all about. Could she be his girlfriend? I quickly forget about what just happened. Probably is his girlfriend , but anyways I don't care. I feel really bad , not for him , but for myself. I'm going to get punished when I get home.                          There are red marks across my back.        " I can't believe you forgot to pick up the kids after school, you shameful girl! What were you doing all this time, hanging around?". That's when I remembered I'd spent a while in the nurses office after school, and totally forgot to pick up the kids from school. I try to apologize but the words are not coming out of my mouth. "What do you have to say for that?" Just then , I felt a surge of anger build up inside of me. " You want to know what I'm sorry for?! I'm sorry I'm here , I so badly want to leave and have a normal life. I'm sorry for allowing myself to stay with snotty brats who don't even have the slightest idea that they should clean their noses! I'm sorry for being a burden, why don't you just throw me out?!" I dash upstairs and lock myself in my room. It's silent. They're not yelling at me back or demanding I come back down. I suddenly feel the urge to cry and just run away. No one knows how much I've been suffering . I just wish people understood instead of saying "It'll be alright." That repetitive phrase made me want to die. It wasn't fair, why was I the one found near a garbage can? It's all because of my good-for-nothing parents! What were they thinking at the time? Were they scared ? Did they feel any kind of remorse? Of course they didn't! I shake that thought out of my mind. If they did feel remorse, they'd come back for me.                               "You snore when you sleep, you know." When my eyes adjust to the light, I see a face that I despise the most.                     "Agnes, get out of my room.", I say half-asleep. She looks like she just woke up ,with her dark circles around her eyes. I think I'll call her raccoon girl now. "We're going to be late , Mered, I don't think you want yesterday to repeat itself do you?". I give her dirtiest look I've ever done. "Don't you dare mention anything about yesterday, got it?" I'm about to grab her by her neck. "Well okay, I guess". She does an evil laugh and scurries to the bathroom. It's hopeless . Today is not going to be a good day. All I think about was yesterday and all my frustration. I feel tears in my eyes but I try to hold them back. 'Nothing is going to get in my way', I tell myself. When I get downstairs , half of the kids didn't even have breakfast. The staff are always lazy to do their job, and the teenagers just live freely as if no one else lives here. I quickly prepare breakfast, stuff their food in their mouths and start pushing them out the door. They glare at me with their big eyes and I glare back. I really only had time to get to school, if I ran. And that is what I did . Using the last 10 minutes I dash across the road with kids in each hand. People look at me in the streets as if I'm crazy , but I don't care. I can't be late, it's only the second day of me being in this school. When I get to class , the French teacher is in the front and she pauses as I enter. Everyone's head turns around to face me , even Lucas'. I glare at all of them and find my seat. Lucas glares back. The only one that glares back. To distract myself , I get a novel from my desk and continue from the page I left off. "What's with your eyes, they look puffy, have you been crying?". I look left and sure enough, Lucas is talking to me. "Why do you need to know , it's none of your concern", I retort. " You know, some girls look ugly when they cry." That's when I knew I had had it up to here with this guy. "Look, I don't see how you pick on me , your wounds seemed to have healed quite a bit , but not your rudeness." I quickly glance away to focus back on my book. Who does he think he is?, people don't pick on me, I pick on them. "Alright missy, I can see your agitated, take a chill pill."    I really didn't need any of this. Once again my school day starts off bad, because of him.  He hands me a lifesaver but I simply reject it. " I don't know what your game is, but I'm not going to be part of it, you hear ?" He mocks a scared face and then carries out a notebook that looks worn out. He grabs a pencil and sketches a picture. I can't help but be curious of what he's drawing so I lean a bit to see. He's using fine strokes and then when he catches me watching, he holds up the notebook, to my face. In bold it says "Merad" and then below it is a picture that looks like a potato mutated with a cat. "That's not how you spell my name, you know?", I hiss. "Who cares, I only showed you because you were looking." "No, I wasn't at all.", I lied back. Seeing the circumstances I return back to my book. As I try to pack up my things to change seats, my locket steers glowing really bright. I try to hide it , but I can't hide it. I quickly return to my seat. What an unaccomplished escape. "My wristband didn't let me escape either." It's Lucas. I hide my locket. No one is supposed to see my locket. " Um, well , it does that sometimes, it's a .. Mood locket. It changes colour depending on my mood." It's a very smart lie. " Okay, you didn't have to explain it to me, we're not exactly in talking terms." Now that I think about it, is he angry at me? What a jerk. When the first bell rings for math , I quickly pack my things to head to the next class, but then I overhear a conversation behind me. "Lucas , where are you going?". I see it's one of Lucas' friends, hollering over my shoulder. "I just need some alone time, that's all." Then I hear Lucas ,he's somewhat depressed. Good for him.         When i see my locket glowing in direction, i know I have to follow it.  Suddenly a deep fear wells up inside of me. Why does my locket tell me to follow him. Is he a criminal or something?I felt like returning  back to class , but I can't . A life could be in danger. I know he's going to be angry that I followed him but what's he going to do?   I quickly see Lucas run into the church, and I run in after him.                       "What do you want?", he asks he in his usual rude tone. "Hey , my locket told me to follow you. So I did."                           "Do you listen to everything that says?" "I do, it helps me, and you could be in danger." I seriously didn't want to look out for him. "Well I'm not , so get lost."      "Look if you just-". I use my 'wind' ability to shove him down. Then at that very moment , I see a police officer staring at us from the back window of the church.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum