2 Lucas: Don't Fail

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What's she looking at? Did I have something on my face? It looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. "Are you there?", I asked her. It seemed that she was in a trance so I tried to shake her out of it. When she finally awoke from her trance, I glared at her. "You know I kind of just saved you back there so return the honour by answering if you're okay or not.", I said plainly. She let out her hand as if for me to help her off the floor. I gave her a grim look and helped her up. "I'm not going to thank you", she retorted and ran to the nearest classroom. I shrugged, and regretted helping her up. What a weird kid. The first day of school has always been a fail for me from grade 1 through 9 I always tripped while entering the classroom or was picked on by bullies. They always judged me by my image, I'm not as weak as I look. I always wanted to have a bit of muscle, but I was always a picky eater, resulting in this skinny image. I don't really think about being popular or having many friends. I had true friends that always cared about me ; Peter , Andrew , Julie and Skater their names were. They have been friends with me since elementary school. When I got bullied by kids , they came to my rescue ,all the time. When I started to become their friends , I had found a liking to Julie and had dated her for a while but then she dumped me, saying I was too weird and socially awkward. That was  at that time. I felt the relationship could have lasted longer but I would've ended it anyways. She was special but was a little annoying, bossy you could say. As I stepped into class , I felt a strange aura. What was going on. As I sit in my desk , my wristband starts glowing. I look beside me and it's the girl who I helped in the hallway. I move to a new desk but my wristband glows even brighter. The only way it will dim is if I move back to my own seat. When I move back, it dims and I breathe a sigh of relief. I definitely don't want anybody knowing that I'm a 'specie of the North'. I especially don't want that rude girl knowing either. That's probably why she was staring at me with wide eyes when I helped her in the hallway, and her locket was glowing , like how my wristband glows when I'm around the... It all adds up, she's one of them too! I don't want to believe it, but it's true. We could both be exposed, especially with both of us being in the same class. This is terrible. I cautiously look beside me and sure enough, her locket is glowing. I kiss my teeth in disgust. What an ugly locket she was given , a star with a weird shaped gem in the middle . Even my wristband that I was given looks better , mine actually has a gem shaped like a fish . If she sees my wristband, she'll know I'm one of 'them' and she's bound to get us exposed. She doesn't look like someone that can keep a secret. I've already been in the cover for so long, I can't lose it now.                                                                   "Alright, shall we do an icebreaker just for everyone to get to know each other?" I hated these. I didn't want to get to know anyone, they all look like freaks anyways. I'm glad though, two of my best friends are in the same class with me ; Julie and Peter. As we asked to get into a circle, I stand beside Peter. He gives a 'long time no see' smile and I smile back. It's always been like that. Me, being socially awkward , I didn't really greet my friends in large crowds , it was more like a smile to greet each other and I was use to that.                                  "Hi, my name is Sandy, my hobbies are guitar and I love soccer, I hope I become friends with you". She sounded like she was going to be part of the popular group of kids in our class, and looked like.  Long blonde hair with pink pieces , short skirt and a gold necklace. Popular.  Since I had the power of 'remembrance intact', I remembered everyone's name in the class.                                                                     "Hello my name is Mered, I am a foster child in the foster home a few blocks from here. I love reading, drawing and writing. I hope we can become friends".   Mered? Never heard of that name before. Wait, she lives in a foster home?, why would she bring up something like that? I look her way but she's totally engrossed in her locket. So weird. Something is up and I'm going to find out. If that locket of hers is telling her things, then it might expose me. I shudder at the thought. That would never happen because she knows the penalty for being exposed, interrogation and death. "Hey Lucas!". I spin around. It's Julie. "What's up? How has your summer been? Did you have fun?". I glance at her as I respond. "Mostly video games ,but my family and I went to Hamilton . It was really fun." "I see your getting over your awkwardness", she laughed back. Then she looked at me seriously. "I maybe might consider- ". "Hey , I see we've all been reunited ". That's Peter , kind of loud but loyal. When we all meet up, we start to talk about our Summer and before we know it , the first day of school is over. And I didn't fail! I blow a huge sigh of relief. I'll probably be safe this year from bullying. But just as I get on to my bicycle to leave, I feel a sharp pain, as if I'm being punched in the back.

...                          "When I wake up, I'm in the nurse office. My head throbs as I open my eyes. And I see faces I wish I didn't see. "Are you alright, Luke?". It was my mom and my little sister , touching my head. . "Yes I'm fine. Really. You didn't have to come". "Your teacher called me from work and told me it looked like you had fallen and that I had to come immediately ". That's the answer I was hoping to get. She didn't want to come , she had to come. I grimace at the pain in my head. As my mother leaves the room, my sister approaches me . "What happened?" "I don't think i want to talk about it". Once again , my first day of school hope of not failing, dwindles.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin