6 Lucas: We Shall Run Away Together

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Authors note: So what do you think will happen? Will Mered finally trust Lucas? Or will another fight break out ? Anyways I just want to thank my readers for choosing this book, and be sure something exciting will happen!- Attackinanime So is she up or not? An angry face appears at the window. " What on earth are you doing here?" I look up and Mered is at the window. She has angry lines across her forhead. As much as I want to retort , I only came for one reason only. "If your wondering how I know where you live, this is the only foster home in this town, and I recall that you said you lived in one. Well, little Miss. Angrypants, because of the incident at the church, we're going to have to stay hidden from now on. I watched the tv today and the police are looking for two suspects, a boy and girl that were at the scene. You kind of made it worse by killing him" suddenly her facial expression changes. "How did the police know about that?" "Well you did kill a policeman so...", I add , sarcastically. "Anyways I came because we have to run away". "To where ?" "Far away , where the police won't find us. You don't want to get caught do you?" She looks down and up again. " Well , I don't want to run away with you, your too cruel." "Sorry dude. You don't have a choice." I grab her by her arm and swing her on top of my back. From her window ledge , I jump down to the ground and start running. This is it. What I've been waiting for. Everything is in a blur, the streets, cars , and the streetlights. It seems that I'm at supersonic speed, but as I go on , I don't see streets ,or cars, or streetlights anymore.                                      "Where are we?" Mered asks from behind my back.                                              "Well we're definitely out of town. You know what ? You can walk now."  She's starting to get a little heavy. She gives a mock grimace as she jumps off. We're in the middle of nowhere, but not really . There is an old diner a few blocks away and some other small buildings. The ground seems dry but there is a little water tower up ahead. I start to question myself. This place is creepy. "I think I see a little cottage up ahead". After we walk a bit , I look up and right here it looks like a small wooden cabin on a hill, that surprisingly has a pool behind it and a deck. "I don't think anyone lives here", says Mered. "Well let's not jump to conclusions ". As we walk into the cabin, the place looks pretty neat. The floors look like they've been polished, the walls are a bright shade of blue and all the furniture is a reddish-brownish colour , but it also looks cleaned. But, it looks deserted . "I guess we can call this home." "What do you mean?" "Well, we didn't run away for nothing. The place obviously looks deserted."                                           "That doesn't give us the right to move in." She's barking at me now. I'm not going to be happy living with her. "Well, it seems you don't like it so you can leave." "Your lucky we're in the middle of nowhere , or else I would have run for real!" I really don't think that sounded right. "Well , whatever , just unpack your bags upstairs, there is only one room, so the bed near the window is yours."

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