7 Mered: Yeah...No Way

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Who does he think he is? I'm not going to live with him. But he's right, I don't have a choice. I didn't bring a bag , but he prepared one . I peek inside and there are many clothes ; a toothbrush, a hairbrush and there is shampoo and soap. Wow, he really planned this.            "You know , you didn't have to prepare a bag for me ."                                                 "Well, what necessities would you have? Nothing? Anyways just see it as me being nice. Not that you'd see it again." I somehow smile at him, but he only returns a glare.  "You know, you'll get wrinkles if you continue to frown like that. It takes more muscles to do than to smile."                                       "Thanks for the science lesson.", he adds, sarcastically. The upstairs is small with two rooms: the bathroom and the bedroom. The bedroom has two beds; one near the window and opposite is one near the door. I unpack my bag on the bed near the window and hurriedly go into the bathroom to shower. The bathroom has green tiles on the edges and blue across the curling. Not really my style. "You're showering already?" I ignore him. "Hey Mered, are you okay up there?" I ignore him some more. But seconds later, there are loud thuds at the bathroom door. "Okay, okay, I'm alright", I yell through the door. "Well , you should have answered."                                                         "Stop being annoying, first you drag me into the middle of nowhere, then you disturb my peace. What more do you want?" Maybe that was a bit harsh.            "You know, I did it to save you. Do you want to be stuck in a cell and experimented on for the rest of your life?" No. Of course not.                                  "Well, just leave me alone." And then there's silence.  Once I'm out of the bathroom , I brush my hair, my teeth, and then prepare for bed. It's 6:00 in the evening but all the running has worn me out. I wonder if the foster home is worried about me? Or Agnes? No. I bet they didn't even go out to look for me. I slump even deeper into my bed. I guess that's it. And with that, Lucas and I live as runaways.                   

"Mered, wake up." , "Mered, you pig , awaken from your slumber."  What kind of weird dream is this? But the voice gets louder, and seconds later,  I'm on the floor.
"Just what are you doing, Lucas?! You don't just shove someone out of bed?!"    "Oi! Keep it down , I think someone's at the door."

"Hello?," Lucas calls from behind the door.
"It's Jeffrey! Haven't seen you in a while. Why don't you open up?"
Just who is this Jeffrey? An officer?
"Oh, okay then." And they embrace as Lucas opens the door.
"I thought you were dead."
"No, they interrogated me for a while , but I had found a way to escape."
Interesting. Another specie is alive.
"And who is this fine ,young lady?"
I curtesy as I introduce myself.
"It's Mered, nice to meet you ."
"It's a pleasure. Lucas, you never told me you had a girlfriend?"
Lucas glances at me, disgusted.
"No way bro, I wouldn't even consider it."
"Well do you live with her?"
"Yeah, we're staying hidden from police ,were wanted by them."
"Oh I see, well be careful then. Oh and I knew you came to live here. I have the "supersonic prediction" ability."
What's that supposed to mean?
I give Lucas a puzzled look as Jeffrey leaves.
"Who's Jeffrey?"
"Just an old friend, don't get involved."
"I want to know. He's a specie, isn't he?"
"Yeah, so what?"
"So?, he's one of us! That's cool , I thought the rest of the species were dead."
"I thought so too." But his face said otherwise.

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthWhere stories live. Discover now