4 Lucas: Oh No..She Didn't

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Authors note: So what do you guys think of Lucas and Mered. Not on friendly terms , I'm afraid. But what will the future hold? -Attackinanime ^^.                                  No words come out of my mouth. All I can think about is this; What. Has. She. Done. She has exposed her powers , involuntarily. Now all I have to do is hide. "Mered, get down!", I yell from the floor. She turns around and looks at me ,with a very scared face. I pity her. She just freezes in place, with a terrified face. Annoying. I grab her by her arm and drop her behind the pew.      "Do you know what you've done?", I tell her ,angrily. "You've exposed your powers, now the police are going to keep track of you ".                                                    "Why didn't he go after me, wasn't he supposed to kill me just now?"                       What is wrong with her. That's seriously what she's thinking about?         "You have the 'wind Rush' ability, right?" She shakes her head. She doesn't want me to know.  "You don't know anything." She's on the verge of crying.                                                              "Actually I do , that locket was given to you by the remaining eight, right?".          No answer is uttered. Just silence. I peek a look above the pew and the man is still there, but he's jotting down something on a notepad.                             "Look , you see this ?". I show her my wristband, which is now glowing brighter than ever. "It was given to me from the remaining eight, just like your locket". Her eyebrows shoot up as she looks at me, then the wristband, then back at me.                                                       " That's  why my locket is always after you, and why I sensed a strange aura from you yesterday. I can't believe , your one of those speci-" I clasp my hand over her mouth. She better not dare mention it, who knows if the police man is there, listening.                      "Yes , I am one of them", I sadly admit.     "I was always one of them. I knew you were one too, I saw your locket , on the day I helped you up in the hallway." When I look over the pew again, the police man is not there. No where to be seen. I glance through another window nearby,and the same thing. I am about to sigh of relief when I hear footsteps coming from the entrance. Fear flushes over my face, and Mered sees it too. "What are we going to do?" She honestly doesn't know the methods of survival from the species, probably didn't inherit it. "Okay, I have a plan." I crawl out from behind the pew and make my way to the back of the church. The footsteps are getting closer and my heart begins to race faster than before. From my side view, I can see Mered  escaping from behind from the pew. "Get back!", I yell from across the church. Does she really know her life is in danger? My heart is throbbing as I peek from behind the wall of the altar. Then a sharp object cuts across my leg. I yelp in pain as I collapse onto the ground. Standing above me is the policeman , now with his shoe crushing my chest. "I've been tracking you guys down for years, do you know what we did to the remaining eight? It was pitiful, you wanna hear?". His words send shivers down my spine. What really happened that time? I'm watching Mered from the corner of my eye. She's crying helplessly from the pew. It's disaster. I close my eyes and try to use my abilities. Once I close my eyes, I think about my mom and sister. Leaving them behind would punish them, they'd probably cry at my tombstone everyday. But the thought is not only sad, it gives me courage to fight. I use all my strength with my freehand to lift the policeman's foot off my chest. He wobbles but regains his balance. A sharp pain aches at my chest. When is it going to end. He can either just use his knife to kill me, or I can watch as his foot crushes my fragile ribcage. I wince in pain. But everything is spinning fast and before I know it, everything goes black. *** When I wake up, I smell hand sanitizer and soap. There is also a bandage around my torso. I guess the police man nearly killed me. "Hey , how are you feeling?" It's a female voice. I slowly answer a "fine ,thanks" but then freeze. All I can see is a blurry figure with blonde hair and green eyes. Mered.                                 I can feel my face frowning. "So I guess you helped me now?"                                    "Yep, now we're even." That didn't sound good. "Did you see a grown woman with a little girl here?" I ask ,suddenly. "No, I didn't , I can assume your speaking of your family?"   "Yes, I was asking out of concern.", I retort.  "Yeah , well can I ask you something?" She leans closer that her nose is right above mine. "Where are the manners from you? I just saved you and there is no thanks?" Was there supposed to be? I lean back resulting in my head hitting the wall. "You brought me to a hospital. That's not clever. What if they give me a series of tests and discover I'm one of 'them'?"                   "It was either watching you die or this . So I chose this. You didn't even bother to ask how I saved you . I used my 'stone force' to rotate the knife towards his heart." My eyes widen. She killed him? How? She couldn't have, I watched her behind the pew. "That's great, you also committed your first crime , I'm guessing. Now the more reason for police to find you." It's time she finally realized the reality of this situation. But then a face I realize appears in the room.                                                     "Julie?"

The Tale of Capture Trilogy: Species of The NorthWhere stories live. Discover now