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Daniela *Danny* Conners

She is 15. She is starting 9th grade at a new school. She is a complete tomboy. Skating and football are her passions. She loves sports. She lives with her dad and sister. Her dad is a lawyer for a big construction company. His name is David Conners. Her sister is in 10th grade she is 16. Her name is Kaitlyn Conners aka Katie. Katie is a total girly girl. David always thought it was wierd that Katie is a total girly girl and Danny is a tomboy but he never questioned them he just respected them. Danny's mom died while giving birth to her. Katie always blamed Danny for her moms death. She doesn't like talking about her mom.

Andrew Garcia

He is 15. He is also in 9th grade. He is the most popular kid in school. But what no one knows but his bestfriends, Brandon Cardenas and Anthony Richmond, that he has the third highest GPA in school. He is smart but doesn't like to show it .He is a big sports lover. He especially loves football. He lives with his dad, mom, and brother. His dad is construction worker. His name is Marco Garcia .His mom is a nurse. Her name is Maria Garcia. His brother is 6. His name is Christian Garcia.

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