first game

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Danny POV (Wednesday of week after)

Last week went by fast wednesday was Daisy and Brandon's one year. Tuesday I had to run suicides for breaking Madison's nose. Oh yeah I actually did break it. Thursday I found out we go in 2 hours later than usual so at 10. Friday they came to my place and stayed till Saturday night. Saturday my dad and my sister fought after she finally came home. But again she left. She took some of her stuff and said she's going to a hotel because she hated being under the same roof as me and left. Oh well.

Oh yeah just letting you know I may or may not be falling for Drew I realized it after friday practice that Daisy caught me staring at Drew and zoning out. But who cares about there first crush am I right. It just a little crush, right? I hope so.

Today is our first game and I'm so excited. We are going against our school rivals, Lakeview, they have always won the championship but this year coach says we have a secret weapon but no one knows what it is.

Right now I am in the locker room with the cheer team getting ready for the game. Its a home game for us which is good because I know this field really well.

There is a knock at the locker room door and I go to get it but Madison already got it. It was Drew.

"Oh hey Danny coach prep talk in guys locker room let's go." Drew said putting his attention on me.

"Ok let me get my helmet." I said jogging to get my helmet. As I walk out of the locker room some one pulls my hair.

"Ok is that all you do." I say turning around to face Madison.

" no I can also do this." she said pulling her hand back to slap me but I duck before she could hit me.

"Nice try whore." I said turning around walking out of the locker room.

I walk over to the guys locker room and Drew is waiting g for me.

"What took you so long?" Drew asks as we walk in.

"Madison pulled my hair and tried to slap me." I told him trying to control my anger.

Before he could respond coach started talking." Okay guys let's have a good game everyone. We all know the other team might say things about Danny but please try to defend her no fights tho. But win or lose just giv it your all. But please try to win."

"Umm coach for the announcement can you use Danny instead and I don't want the other team to find out I'm a girl until the end because if they find out now they might go easy and I want to see what were really up against." I tell the coach.

"Ok let me go change the announcement and guys act like she's a guy not a girl its her wish who ever spoils it will run suicides." Coach said.

"Yes coach!" All of us yelled.

"Ok let's go kick some Lakeview butts." Coach yelled walking out to the field. I put on my helmet and hide my hair and run out behind everyone.

"You nervous?" Drew asks running up behind me.

"Nope." I said full of confidence.

"That's my girl." Wait what I'm his girl. Does that mean he likes me or not. what does that mean? Where's Daisy when you need her.

"Ok can I get captains over here?"
The ref calls captains so me and Drew run over as well as the other teams captains.

"Ok Lakeview heads or tails?" He asked throwing up the coin.

"Heads." One of the guys said with a really deep voice.

"Heads it is. Ok shake hands." We shake hands but the guy that spoke up earlier squeezed my hand really hard it went numb.

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